5 tips for Survivor.io


Survive the fun!


Monsters attack from all sides in Survivor.io – and never let up! This hugely popular survival game dares you to hang on till the end of each nail-biting chapter as you try to outlast wave upon wave of weirdly adorable zombies.

Bravery goes a long way in these intense battles, but winning also takes smarts. Follow these five tactics and the hordes won’t know what hit ’em.

No aim required with these rapid-fire Kunai – they have a mind of their own!

Keep it simple

Can’t settle on a default weapon? Try the beginner-friendly Kunai! Unlike the shotgun, sword and baseball bat, which attack in the direction you’re moving, these throwing knives auto-target nearby foes. You can’t miss!

The Forcefield never stops protecting you. It’s a defensive must-have.

Strike a balance

When it comes to skills, both defence and offence are vital. For protection, select the revolving Guardian and the Forcefield to keep weak zombies at bay. To deal hefty damage, pick and upgrade skills such as the Soccer Ball and the Laser Launcher, which clear out swathes of the battlefield and give you more room to move.

The right arsenal boosts your chances of beating a boss. Plan wisely!

Weigh each challenge

Choose skills that match the specific challenges you’re facing in each chapter. Grunts keep overwhelming you on a large, open level? Grab Molotovs and Drones early. Can’t beat a boss like that giant razor-clawed Mega Devourer? Try a strong, single-direction weapon such as the Brick or the RPG – and get the Lightning Emitter, which auto-targets bosses!

Snagged both Drones? Evolve those skills first. When they merge into one ultra-lethal Destroyer, you’ll free up a weapon-skill slot.

Top off your gear

Evolved weapons are far more powerful than even their five-yellow-star counterparts: the Durian transforms into the giant, foe-squashing Caltrops, while Molotovs become Fuel Barrels that encircle you with protective blue flames. To increase the chance of evolving all your skills, use gold DNA (earned by playing Trials) to unlock the Rogue ability. You’ll be able to refresh your skill options once per game and avoid settling for an unwanted skill.

A well-timed bomb can leave enough EXP crystals to level you up instantly.

Maximise power-ups

Save bombs and magnets until you’re surrounded by dozens of monsters or EXP crystals (respectively). Because these power-ups stay in place even when you run offscreen, you can wait and trigger them when you’ve attracted a massive crowd of targets. Pro tip: Activate a magnet right after detonating a bomb to immediately grab EXP from all the vaporised ghouls!