WeatherBug - Radar, Forecast

Local Weather, Radar, Maps


Do you know exactly where the closest lightning strike was in the past 30 minutes? We know, and we’ll tell you how we found out: a little bug told us. A WeatherBug, to be precise.

We have no idea when we'll need this info, but we’re not taking any chances. We know where the lightning is.

Of course, WeatherBug doesn't just tell you where a lethal amount of electricity last struck the earth. It will tell you what the weather’s like right now, or what the weather will be over the next 10 days. It also has a map, onto which you can add layers including wind chill and heat index.

Want to know the current moon stage? WeatherBug can tell you. Interested in video weather reports from around the world? WeatherBug has those too.Want a detailed local air quality report? Yep, that’s included.

There is also a Hurricane Centre within the app, which will show you the latest reports on the predicted paths of cyclones, hurricanes and tropical storms – in case you have family in or are travelling to a hurricane-risk area.

You want to know about the weather? WeatherBug can tell you – every single detail.