Three tips to focus your mind

We all know we do our best work when our minds are clear and focused.

So next time you need to ward off distractions, try one of these life hacks.

Take it one step at a time

We often think multitasking ups our efficiency. But studies show that not only does it fail to improve productivity, it reduces it by a whopping 40 per cent. The term multitasking is actually a misnomer: what you’re really doing is toggling between tasks so quickly you don’t even notice. Do that too frequently and your productivity drops like a rock.

So what should you do instead? Start off by making a list of every task you have to complete, then split the most complicated jobs into simpler, smaller steps that are easier to accomplish.

When each step is clear and doable, it’s a lot easier to focus on the task at hand. If something else comes up, just add it to the list and get back to your main task – don’t feel bad about throwing a non-urgent job on the back burner for later.

To-do list apps like TickTick can help with this through intuitive nested list-making and task management features.

Mind your surroundings

Sometimes it’s smart to shift focus to something else entirely. Try some deep-breathing exercises or meditation. By focusing on your breath, you’re working out the mental muscles needed to stay on task when your mind wants to wander.

And don’t forget about your surroundings – noisy spaces are often full of distractions. A quick solution is a set of headphones and a white noise app to help get you back on track.

Check out these apps for deep-breathing exercises and calming white noise.

The big secret: more breaks

It’s true: focus and rest go hand in hand.

The Pomodoro Technique has really caught on in recent years as a productivity booster, partly because it’s so easy to incorporate into your work habits. After you’ve set your tasks, try BFT - Bear Focus Timer, TomoNow 2 or any other Pomodoro timer to slice tasks into 25-minute chunks of work and five minutes of rest.