BEST OF 2017

App of the Year

Enlight Videoleap

Videoleap: AI Video Editor

Reels Maker, Videos Generator


Have you noticed that there are more videos than ever in your social media feed? And it's not just a volume game; people are getting better at making them.

Tools for creating high-quality videos were once only accessible to the pros. However, while simple video editors capable of making pretty clips are common, Enlight Videoleap is really a cut above. It’s the latest app from Lightricks, makers of the easy-to-use photo editors Facetune and Enlight. Their new venture into video maintains the intuitive interface of their previous apps while packing in powerful video creation tools.

Enlight Videoleap is a snap to use for editing novices, too. Give any of your video clips a quick makeover with a filter, or go further and add blur, grain or prism effects. Intuitively designed, all of its tools and functions are easy to find. The preview window takes up most of the screen—a big plus. The video timeline and toolbar are at the bottom, and each has a folding menu that hides away functions to preserve coveted screen space.

For more ambitious projects, the app stands out with its powerful capability to edit RAW footage, add transitions, and separately adjust effect parameters on every clip. For more desktop-level capabilities, the app packs in keyframe animations, hue range, and a chroma key function that allows for green screen effects. Don’t miss the double exposure tool that can mix two videos together for awesome, artistic results. It only takes a few taps to use.

The app piles on even more power with layer-based editing, and it doesn’t just apply to video and images. Filters, effects and adjustments can also serve as individual layers. Try adding a filter to a clip, or add a filter layer that you can apply to different parts of the video by dragging and adjusting the length.

Innovations like these don’t come often. That’s what makes Enlight Videoleap such a pleasant surprise. Whether you want to post a video for friends, make home movies, or shoot a short film, this app can do it all.