The inventive Maginary is no ordinary book.

Maginary. Adventure text book.

A literally engaging story


Featuring a twisting tale of talking animals, evil robots, and faceless boogeymen, the text-based adventure Maginary immediately draws you into its mysterious world. But the app's clever use of audio, visual, and tactile effects keeps you there.

A description of an oncoming train, for example, is accompanied by the sound of a locomotive powering down the tracks. A tense encounter between characters concludes with a pair of convincing bullet holes appearing on your device's display. A snowstorm is forewarned by a thin layer of ice spreading across your screen. Maginary toys with your imagination in unexpected ways.

Read carefully and follow Maginary’s clever directions to solve its mysteries.

Some of its tricks are more active. Leveraging your device’s built-in functions—the compass or brightness slider, for instance—helps the story's hero out of some sticky situations. You may even be asked to walk around or rotate your torso. You’ll marvel at Maginary’s creative use of technology.

There’s plenty of great page-turners out there, but only Maginary has the power to actually turn its pages...into falling snow, a blinding sandstorm, and slamming elevator doors. Read at your own risk!