Holistic wellness resources from Deliciously Ella.

Deliciously Ella: Feel Better

recipes, exercise & meditation


Born of a desire to unite food and health, Feel Better from Ella Mills’ beloved wellness brand, Deliciously Ella, can help you begin a plant-based diet, establish a consistent movement practice, and improve your mental health.

What we love: The app’s organizational tools make maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle far less intimidating. Use the planner feature to slate recipes into your weekly schedule—each one lets you select the ingredients to add to your shopping list, so you can plan for several meals in a single grocery trip. The app also includes movement videos—from 10 to 60 minutes long, and for all ability levels—that cover yoga, stretching, and more.

Eat the rainbow with Deliciously Ella’s inventive vegan fare.

Quick tip: Feel Better’s tracker condenses your meal plans, exercise sessions, mindfulness breaks, water intake, and sleep hours into a streamlined dashboard designed to keep you on track and feeling great. Tap one of these five pillars of wellness to receive weekly recipe and exercise suggestions as well as related articles.

Meet the creator: Ella Mills began her culinary journey in 2012, when she was diagnosed with several chronic conditions that affected her nervous system. In an effort to manage her health, she turned to a plant-based diet, which she now shares with the world via her website, books, and app.