Guides and resources for breastfeeding parents.


Breastfeeding, pregnancy, baby


Packed with helpful tips and guides about breastfeeding, LactApp supports parents as they nourish their babies.

Who it’s for: Breastfeeding parents who could use a little guidance—and who want to know they’re not alone in their experience.

Track your baby’s feedings and get the help you need with LactApp.

What sets it apart: In addition to useful tips (how-tos on expressing milk and storing pumped breastmilk), LactApp allows you to track feedings, your baby’s weight and size, how much your baby poops, and other essential details.

Don’t miss: Articles that keep you up to date on the latest research on baby-led weaning, when to start with solid foods, and more. The app also helps you create a tailored plan for managing it all when you return to work.

Meet the creator: LactApp was founded in Spain by Maria Berruezo and Alba Padró, who believe that anyone who needs breastfeeding guidance should have it within reach. The app has answered more than 10 million questions from people worldwide.