

For those who love short snappy stories that they can dive into anywhere, anytime, chat story app Joylada is the perfect read.

Story plots in the app unfold through conversations between characters over messages, flipping the script on the way readers can immerse themselves in a fictional narrative.

Genres in Joylada include love, humour, horror and some which are crafted especially for different subcultures and gender preferences. And as the app is geared more towards younger generations, the content is constantly reviewed by moderators. Joylada also has exclusive original content that cannot be enjoyed anywhere else.

Taking inspiration from chat story apps such as Hooked, Tap by Wattpad and Cliffhanger, Joylada has created a chat reading experience that’s perfect for Thai readers. The result? More than a million stories have been created since the app’s launch in 2017, with billions of taps on the app’s chat bubbles being recorded daily.

Reading the stories in Joylada might even inspire you to write your own fantastic fiction. So, if you want to be the chat story version of J.K. Rowling, start writing your own chat lines, instantly publish them in the app and it could be your plot lines bringing joy to a whole new generation of readers. While you can track your progress as a writer with badges earned as readers leave you glowing reviews, the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel is even more rewarding.