Lazy Bones - Routine Planner

Daily Habit Tracker


The power of habit is hard to overestimate. It’s the habit that turns going for a jog from a bothersome chore into a meditative ritual, and the secret to forming one is to practise tiny efforts of willpower, repeatedly, over time.

Lazy Bones is an app that promises to help with this willpower exercise by giving you gentle nudges and a motivating visualisation of your progress. Its concept is simple: enter all your desired routine actions and the app will group them by time of day and encourage you to complete them.

Thanks to its light conversational tone, you’ll fall in love with the app in seconds. From an easygoing tutorial to suggestions for habits to get you started, you’ll feel like you’re chatting to a loving, non-judgmental friend.

App creators made ticking off those habits you want to cultivate really compelling by adding numerous customisation options. Organise your day’s habits into a beautiful rainbow or pastel palette, or colour-code them – blue for mindfulness, green for recycling – all possible as long as it drives you to complete your daily goals.

Stats view is one for data fans: your daily progress, monthly and lifetime achievements are organised here. A day when you tick off all your habits becomes a Perfect Day and gets marked on the app’s calendar so you can rejoice in looking at how many days a month you’ve been your best self.

From setting a meditation goal for the morning, to having a stretch before lunch, to being grateful for the day in the evening, Lazy Bones helps you train your willpower and reap the benefits of doing so.