Halide Mark II - Pro Camera

RAW, Macro & Manual + Zero AI


Your iPhone has an excellent camera and the picture wizards at Chroma Noir want to help photographers make the most of it. Hey presto: Halide Camera!

It’s designed around two principles: the kind of granular settings you’d expect from a professional DSLR; and a slick, one-handed interface that complements today’s devices.

Beginners can enjoy auto-focus and auto-white balance as usual, of course. Halide Camera intelligently optimises ISO and shutter speeds for sharp snaps.

But when you want more flexibility you can manually control focus, exposure and ISO sensitivity, with simple finger slides. Focus Peaking highlights areas of strongest contrast in real time. You can see a histogram on the screen. And there’s a grid overlay that reveals whether you’re holding the phone straight.

Finger slide to make adjustments to focus.

Good news for shutterbugs with newer devices: Halide Camera outputs RAW format images, so your shots appear in the highest possible quality, ready for pro-level editing.

Also, Halide Camera boasts fantastic depth awareness, delivering amazing portraits and selfies. Own an Apple Watch? The latest build has a companion app that remotely previews your shot (you can trigger the shutter from your wrist too).

If you really want to take control of your photos, this is an essential purchase.