Agenda: Notes meets Calendar 9+‎

Momenta B.V.

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Start getting things done today! Drive your projects forward with Agenda, the Apple Design Award winning app that seamlessly integrates calendar events into your note taking, giving you more control over your day-to-day tasks and planning.

Agenda takes note taking to the next level, helping you plan projects and prepare for meetings. Setup a note for next week’s head-to-head with your biggest client, or begin planning the next phase of a major project. Link your note directly to an event in your calendar, and you’ll be fully prepared for anything that comes your way!

Agenda organizes your day, and helps plan for the future, all while preserving a breadcrumb trail of past decisions. Your projects get propelled forward like never before! It’s perfect for business, but also ideal for engineers, scientists, teachers, students and creatives. Agenda helps with all forms of planning, personal and professional. It's the one app where you can organize all of your projects, prepare for meetings, and focus on tasks.

Agenda brings order to your daily life, and lets you relax and rest easy knowing it has you setup for success in whatever comes down the pipeline.

“It’s my favorite new app in years.”
John Gruber

“Every notes app should work like Agenda.”
Khoi Vinh

“Agenda … is one of the most interesting note-taking apps I’ve used.”
John Voorhees


Agenda’s unique timeline approach to organizing notes gives your projects momentum. While other apps focus specifically on the past, present, or future, Agenda is the only notes app that keeps track of each in a single timeline.

Add notes for what is currently on your agenda, while you prepare other notes for an upcoming meeting. Use older notes as breadcrumbs to remind yourself why you took the actions you did.


You can attach dates to individual notes, and even link them to events in your calendar. But you can also put them “On the Agenda”.

Notes that are On the Agenda are given special status. They get added to an overview in the sidebar so you can find them in a flash.


Agenda support styles like headings, lists, tables, indented blocks, and preformatted text. You focus on the content, and leave Agenda to handle the appearance.


You can easily add file attachments to notes, which then sync across your devices. Files can be previewed, and images displayed as thumbnails or full-sized.


Group your projects into categories to make them easier to find, and order the notes for each project however you choose. You can drag them around, apply dates, or use a mixed approach. You can also collapse notes to save space.


Nobody wants data silo-ed on one device, so Agenda has apps for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and they sync up via your iCloud or Dropbox account.

You can also collaborate with others on shared notes. Anyone joining can help edit the note. It's great for a family shopping list or a team meeting.


You can use Agenda for free, with no time limits.

Agenda offers extra premium features that require an In App Purchase.

If you take a yearly subscription, you unlock all the premium features across all of your devices. If you end the subscription, you keep all the features you unlocked while subscribed. They are yours forever!

Don't like subscriptions? There is a one time lifetime purchase available too.

ما الجديد

الإصدار 20.0.1

- Fixed issues in big projects when switching text filter
- Paragraphs with a filter applied should remain visible as you edit, not disappear
- When editing a token in search, the "Save Overview" button will hide
- Fixed background color of the calendar selection popover in settings
- The text filter for bullet/dash lists will now show the preferred title
- Fixed a few crashes

التقييمات والمراجعات

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من اختيار المحررين

تطبيق لتدوين الملاحظات يتميز بفضل استخدامه الذكي للوقت. يمكنك كتابة تاريخ محدد في كل ملاحظة تدونها، أو ربط ملاحظة بحدث موجود بالفعل في التقويم، أو تنظيم ملاحظاتك في مخطط زمني، لتتمكن من النقر على تاريخ محدد والعثور على الملاحظة التي كتبتها بسهولة.

خصوصية التطبيق

أوضح المطور Momenta B.V.، أن ممارسات خصوصية التطبيق قد تتضمن معالجة البيانات على النحو الموضح أدناه. لمزيد من المعلومات، انظر %سياسة خصوصية المطور(ة) سياسة خصوصية المطور.

البيانات المرتبطة بك

قد يتم جمع البيانات التالية وربطها بهويتك:

  • معلومات الاتصال
  • محتوى المستخدم
  • المعرفات
  • بيانات الاستخدام
  • التشخيص

البيانات غير المرتبطة بك

قد يتم جمع البيانات التالية على الرغم من عدم ربطها بهويتك:

  • التشخيص

قد تختلف ممارسات الخصوصية بناءً على الميزات التي تستخدمها أو حسب عمرك على سبيل المثال. معرفة المزيد


  • المشاركة العائلية

    قد تكون بعض عمليات الشراء داخل التطبيق، بما في ذلك الاشتراكات، قابلة للمشاركة مع مجموعة عائلتك عند تمكين "المشاركة العائلية".

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