Presets for Lightroom: FLVSH 4+‎

Filters, Effects-Photo Editor

Peone Lab

مصمم لـ iPhone

    • مجانًا
    • يوفر عمليات الشراء داخل التطبيق

لقطات شاشة iPhone


All of us have been there: you take a photo and it’s nowhere near what you wanted it to be. It just does not represent the beauty you see with your eyes. You look at the result and it’s all wrong: lighting, background, colors, extra unwanted shadows…

We are here to revolutionize the way you deal with these issues. With QuiсkyPiki you don’t have to be a pro retoucher to get amazing results you wanted to capture. Using presets (filters) or the “Magic button”, you will get the results you were looking for in seconds.

By the way, “Magic button” is an artificial intelligence-based solution that does it all for you. For example, if your face is in a shadow, but the background is perfect, it will only color-grade your face. So, start using QuickyPiki , you will save hours mastering professional photo editing tools.

Our top features:

Magic button:
Artificial intelligence will do it all for you. A cool thing is that you will be able to adjust the extent of the edit from 0 to 100%.

This is a really hot feature. They are categorized for easier use. You will see small previews before even clicking on them to get an idea of what you are going to get.

Medium level: This feature has been created for people who know exactly what to do. If you simply want to adjust color intensity or the light yourself, you can do it. There are X different adjustments you can make.

Advanced: dehaze and clarity.

QuiсkyPiki is here to save you time and let you get amazing results in a matter of seconds. You will not have to spend a lot of time learning to edit. Don’t settle for less, get the results you want.

ما الجديد

الإصدار 1.0.18

Best presets matching your photo (AI applied)
Sky detection improved
Remove objects improved
Minor bug fixes


Preset & Filters for LR mobile
Preset & Filters for LR mobile
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‏US$ 39,99

خصوصية التطبيق

أوضح المطور Peone Lab، أن ممارسات خصوصية التطبيق قد تتضمن معالجة البيانات على النحو الموضح أدناه. لمزيد من المعلومات، انظر %سياسة خصوصية المطور(ة) سياسة خصوصية المطور.

البيانات غير المرتبطة بك

قد يتم جمع البيانات التالية على الرغم من عدم ربطها بهويتك:

  • بيانات الاستخدام
  • التشخيص

قد تختلف ممارسات الخصوصية بناءً على الميزات التي تستخدمها أو حسب عمرك على سبيل المثال. معرفة المزيد


  • المشاركة العائلية

    قد تكون بعض عمليات الشراء داخل التطبيق، بما في ذلك الاشتراكات، قابلة للمشاركة مع مجموعة عائلتك عند تمكين "المشاركة العائلية".

ربما يعجبك أيضًا

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