Reem Dhahir

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iPhone Ekran Görüntüleri


Finding nearby places with exclusive offers & discounts just got easier with the PEODY app.

Pairing Exclusive Offers & Discounts for You, PEODY. A platform for exclusive offers & discounts that makes finding your best nearby exclusive discounts easier by aggregating content to locate them instantly on the go. With PEODY, you just launch the app and it will automatically sort places and ranks highest exclusive offers & discounts nearest to you according to the discount cards selected in your profile and location.

Whether you're going out for a bite or just looking for a fun activity, there is something in PEODY for every occasion.

Using PEODY is easy, here's how it works:
- Simply sign up and select your exclusive discount cards or membership from a growing list to link them to your profile. Discount cards are unique membership cards provided to you by employers, universities, schools, banks, public discount providers etc.
- The app uses your location to show you the nearest places with exclusive offers & discounts according to the cards selected in your profile.
- If a place has different discounts for multiple cards, the app will also show which of your cards gives you the highest discount to maximize your savings.
- To avail your offer or discount, you simply present the mentioned card in the description, no codes to scan and no limit to the number of times you could use your exclusive discounts (subject to merchant's terms & conditions).

PEODY includes a variety of categories: Food & Drink, Shopping, Entertainment, Beauty & Spa, Home & Garden, Appliances & Electronics, Services, Wellness, Motors and more...

Download PEODY to enjoy browsing nearby places with exclusive deals for all your selected cards in one free app!

Got a question or have feedback on how we can make it even better? We would love to hear from you, simply tap 'Feedback' in Profile tab in app to share your feedback or visit can visit or


Sürüm 3.2

We've updated the app to fix some crashes, make features load faster to support iOS 17.

It gets better! In this version, we've also added a new feature called 'Live Notifications' that makes finding your nearby exclusive offers & discounts even easier. Unlock the convenience of skipping the search for your discounts and get automatically notified whenever you're in or near a store that offers an exclusive discount for any of yours cards/memberships - helping you save precious time while ensuring you never miss out on your exclusive discounts.

Love the app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the PEODY engine running.

Have a question or want to share feedback on how we can make it even better? Simply tap the 'Feedback' in Profile tab of the app to share your feedback or visit

Uygulama Gizliliği

Reem Dhahir adlı geliştirici, uygulamanın gizlilik politikasına göre verilerin aşağıda açıklandığı gibi işlenebileceğini bildirdi. Daha fazla bilgi için geliştiricinin gizlilik politikası bölümüne bakın.

Veriler Toplanmaz

Geliştirici, bu uygulamadan herhangi bir veri toplamaz.

Gizlilik uygulamaları, kullandığınız özellikler veya yaşınız gibi faktörlere göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Ayrıntılı Bilgi

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