RFP Online 4+

Rathbone Investment Management Limited

iPad için tasarlandı

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The RFP Online app is a service provided by RFP Online and powered by moneyinfo that gives you a complete picture of your financial life.

Think of it as your digital financial filing cabinet. All of your investments, savings, pensions, insurances, and property can be tracked together with all of the associated paperwork.
One place for everything financial.

Here’s a few of the things The RFP Online app can help you with –

• From a single investment to an extensive investment portfolio;

The RFP Online app makes it simple to understand how your investments are doing with daily valuations, share and fund prices.

• Tracking your property value against the Land Registry price index and storing all of your important documents, including your insurance certificates against the property to which they relate. Simplifying finding the information when you need it most.

• Making better financial decisions and answering questions such as; Can I afford to buy a house? Am I saving enough towards my retirement? When can I retire?

• Having all of your financial information in one place. Not only providing you with peace of mind, but imagine if something were to happen to you… Wouldn’t it be nice to know that all of your financial information would be accessible to your partner or dependants?

The RFP Online app makes understanding and keeping track of your money both easy and safe.

The RFP Online app is available to clients of RFP Online. If you don't already have access to your own RFP Online account, contact the team at RFPonlinesupport@Rathbones.com


Sürüm 4.6.1

Updated keywords to make it easier for our clients to find the app on the app store, also updated the testing credentials.

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