Tone generator 4+

michael heinz

iPad için tasarlandı

    • 5,0 • 1 Oy
    • Ücretsiz
    • Uygulama İçi Satın Alımlar Sunar

Ekran Görüntüleri


Generate various periodic signals with different waveforms with adjustable frequency and amplitude. These are used to test electronic circuits such as amplifiers and filters. Also suitable for musicians to tune their instruments. As soon as a note sounds, the integrated tuner recognizes the pitch and displays the note name and deviation. For any instrument that produces an even tone. A metronome also helps you to practise.
Drive insects away or compare your hearing ability with your friends and relatives and share your results! Or watch others straining their ears to find the sounds that cannot locate you. Party fun is guaranteed!

optional features (Purchase):
- free of Ads
- manual frequency input
- support app functionality for connected Bluetooth devices, e.g. speaker
- different signals
- white/pink noise
- tuner for tuning instruments (real-time tone recognition C1-C8) with tuning whistle
- metronome for a steady tempo
- note/tone for frequency
- Left/right channel, stereo
- create a tone sequence for playing several different frequencies in particular time slot
- loop for tone sequence
- save and delete tone sequences
- load saved tone sequences
- send your tone sequence as an audio file (.caf format)
- option to compress audio files

Attention: If you want to share your results with others, first test your audible frequencies, then mark under the speakers your lowest audible tone and your highest audible tone (stored only temporarily). A small hint: the chart will show you what other frequencies of your age are still possible to reach.


Sürüm 2.4

- support app functionality for connected Bluetooth devices, e.g. speaker
- intern changes

Oylar ve Yorumlar

1 Oy

1 Oy

saadece ,



Uygulama Gizliliği

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  • Konum
  • Kimlik Tanıtıcılar
  • Kullanım Verileri
  • Tanılar

Sizinle İlişkilendiril­me­yen Veriler

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  • Kullanıcı İçeriği
  • Tanılar

Gizlilik uygulamaları, kullandığınız özellikler veya yaşınız gibi faktörlere göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Ayrıntılı Bilgi

Bu Geliştiricinin Diğer Uygulamaları

Blood Pressure+Pulse Lite
Sağlık ve Fitness
Pushups 100+ Lite
Sağlık ve Fitness
Squats 200+ Lite
Sağlık ve Fitness
Situps 200+ Lite
Sağlık ve Fitness
Pullups 20+ Lite
Sağlık ve Fitness

Diğer Beğenebilecekleriniz

Ses Tonu Üreticisi
Audio Function Generator
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