1Password: 密碼管理‪器‬ 4+


AgileBits Inc.

    • 4.1 • 26 則評分
    • 免費
    • 提供 App 內購買


1Password 是全球最受歡迎的密碼管理器,深受數百萬使用者和超過 9 萬家企業信任,幫助其保護秘密安全。

「1Password 提供了功能性、相容性、安全性和易用性的最佳組合。」

== 在你所有裝置上使用密碼 ==
1Password 讓建立並使用強大的密碼變得簡單,在幾秒鐘之內登入任何應用程式或網站。 您的資訊可以在您需要的各種裝置上使用,每個平台和網路瀏覽器上都有精心設計的應用程式。

== 共用如此簡單 ==
1Password 是共用登入資訊、信用卡資訊、檔案和其他重要資訊最安全的方式。 保持個人項目的私密性,並與需要的人安全地共用秘密。 如果團隊或家庭成員無法存取帳號,你可以幫助其恢復權限。

== 不僅僅是密碼 ==
在網站和應用程式中自動填寫表格、支付和登入資訊。 儲存重要的檔案,如護照和身分證,保護你的軟體許可證和醫療記錄,並存儲私人筆記以備保管。

== 比瀏覽器自帶的密碼管理器更強大 ==
1Password 使你能從任何平台不限數量的裝置上存取你的資料。 透過 Apple Watch 或 Touch ID 在支援的裝置上瞬間解鎖。

== 獨家安全保護,絕對隱私設計 ==
你存儲在 1Password 中的資訊經過端到端加密,只有你擁有解謎的鑰匙。 我們無法看到你在帳號中存儲的內容或你存取的網站,我們的系統專為您的資料安全設計,即使您的裝置被盜或我們的伺服器被駭客攻擊也不會影響其安全性。
造訪 1Password.com/security 進一步瞭解關於我們安全模型的內容。

== 取得自動安全警告 ==
在潛在威脅發生之前辨識。 Watchtower 將就薄弱、重複使用、已被洩露的密碼提醒你,讓你能夠立刻更改密碼。

== 首選商家工具 ==
保護你最寶貴的資產——公司的秘密。 80% 的資料洩露事件與薄弱、重複使用或共用的身分資訊有關。 1Password 與您公司的基礎設施無縫整合,在確保團隊安全的同時不影響工作進展。

== 全球最受歡迎的密碼管理器 ==
1Password 被 Wired、《紐約時報》、CNN、《華爾街日報》等媒體推薦為最佳密碼管理器,全球數百萬人用它來保護線上安全。
1Password 幫助超過 9 萬家企業保護業務安全,其中包括 IBM、Slack、Intercom 和 PagerDuty。

== 免費開始使用 ==
免費試用 14 天 1Password,然後選擇適合您的企業的方案。 按需在任意數量的裝置上使用 1Password ,每個平台都有專門的應用程式,可儲存不限數量的密碼和項目,並提供個性化支援服務。

使用條款: https://1password.com/legal/terms-of-service/


版本 8.10.30

- When you share an item, you'll now see options to either copy the item link or share it.
- Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
- We've improved the formatting on the Credits & Acknowledgements page in Settings > About.
- We've improved readability on the Profile screen when using large font sizes.
- We've improved screenshot detection when viewing item details.
- We've improved the Watchtower score animation.
- We've improved VoiceOver accessibility in the Autofill tutorial.
- We've made improvements to the design of the sign in experience.
- We've improved instructions for turning on Face ID on your device and in 1Password.
- We've made improvements to several labels throughout the app for a better VoiceOver experience.
- If you're using a mouse or pointer device on iPad or Vision Pro, you'll now see visual feedback when you hover over new item categories.
- When you edit a field in the auto-saved web form details section of an item, removing a field's contents will no longer hide the field.
- We've fixed an issue where you may have been unable to manage your accounts if one of your accounts was offline.
- If you have Settings > Labs > "Add locations to items" turned on, the Maps header in the Privacy settings is no longer displayed in all capital letters.
- When you edit an item, the title field is no longer automatically selected.
- You can now navigate between the Welcome screens by tapping the navigation dots.
- We've fixed an issue where label text could be truncated.
- We've fixed an issue where item fields could get stuck when you reordered them.
- VoiceOver now properly identifies links on the initial setup screen about Face ID.
- We've fixed an issue where you could see a blank page after you successfully signed in with SSO or a passkey.
- We've fixed an issue with animations when items are added or deleted.
- We've fixed an issue that caused a loading spinner to appear momentarily when manually locking the app.
- We've fixed an issue that prevented the Edit button from working after the app was closed and reopened.
- We've fixed an issue where the prompt to unlock with biometrics didn't show after the app was closed and reopened.
- We've fixed an issue where a previously edited item would show up when you restarted the 1Password app and tried to edit a different item.
- We've fixed a visual issue where item details weren't displayed correctly on Apple Watch.
- We've fixed an issue that caused the sharing link to not be displayed when sharing an item.
- We've fixed an issue where the "@" and "." characters on the iOS keyboard didn't display when entering an email address to sign in to your 1Password account.
- We've fixed an issue where trying to deauthorize a device caused the error "Deauthorize failed."
- We've fixed an issue where VoiceOver was interpreting static text as buttons in Settings.
- We've fixed an issue where the lock screen wouldn't dismiss after you unlocked an account.


4.1(滿分 5 分)
26 則評分

26 則評分


Where is iPassward7 to download?

Where is iPassward7 to download?


Thanks for leaving us a review. If you need to download 1Password 7 and it is no longer in your App Store’s Purchase History, you can download it directly here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/1password-password-manager/id568903335


Most of functions do not work properly after upgrade on iPhone 14 Pro Max

ViewController stack totally mass up after tapping bottom bar in portrait mode. Search button does not response…
I need to rotate to landscape to use it. Buy such expensive app but the quality is really awful. Please fix ASAP!


Thanks for leaving us a review. We released a fix on March 8 (8.10.2) for the issue affecting the menu buttons on iOS which should resolve things. If you’re still running into issues, please email support+social@1password.com for help.


What a garbage

Only shows main page. No response to item page and search page. Where's my data folder??


Thanks for leaving us a review. We released a fix on March 8 (8.10.2) for the issue affecting the menu buttons on iOS which should resolve things. If you’re still running into issues, please email support+social@1password.com for help.

App 隱私權

開發者「AgileBits Inc.」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策



  • 位置
  • 聯絡資訊
  • 使用者內容
  • 識別碼
  • 使用狀況資料
  • 診斷





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