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DjamgaTech Corp

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Do you want to become a modern DevOps Engineer, a hip Cloud Developer, a Professional Solution Architect, an awesome data scientist, a respected machine learning engineer, a trustworthy and reliable cloud security engineer, a knowledgeable IT Professional? This Cloud Cert Prep: AWS Azure GCP app is the answer. It is the Netflix of Cloud Cert Prep: AWS Azure GCP apps.

Practice and get certified to boost your career and job prospects on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform anytime, anywhere from your phone, tablet, computer, online, offline.

- Practice exams
- 1000+ Q&A updated frequently.
- 3+ Practice exams per Certification
- Scorecard to track your progress
- Quizzes with countdown timer.
- See scoreboard after completing the quiz.
- FAQs for most popular Cloud services
- Cheat Sheets
- Flashcards
- works offline
- Certification covered are: AWS CCP CLF-C01, AWS SAA-C02, AWS DVA-C01, Azure AZ900, Azure AZ104, AWS Data Analytics DAS-C01, Machine Learning for AWS, Azure and GCP, Cloud Security AWS SCS-C01, Azure Security SC900

The App covers the following services: AWS Autoscaling , RDS, Aurora, Route 53, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Bracket, AWS Billing and Pricing, Simply Monthly Calculator, cost calculator, Ec2 pricing on-demand, AWS Pricing, Pay As You Go, No Upfront Cost, Cost Explorer, AWS Organizations, Consolidated billing, on-demand instances, Reserved instances, Spot Instances, CloudFront, Workspace, S3 storage classes, Regions, Availability Zones, Placement Groups, Redshift, EC2 G4ad instances, EMR, DAAS, PAAS, IAAS, SAAS, Machine Learning, Key Pairs, CloudFormation, Amazon Macie, Textract, Glacier Deep Archive, 99.999999999% durability, Codestar, AWS X-Ray, AWS CUR, AWS Pricing Calculator, Instance metadata, Instance userdata, SNS, Desktop As A Service, EC2 for Mac, Kubernetes, Containers, Cluster, IAM, BigQuery, Bigtable, Pub/Sub, App Engine, SAA undifferentiated heavy lifting, flow logs,
-Azure Pricing and Support, Azure Cloud Concepts, consumption-based mode, management groups, resources and RG, Geographic distribution concepts such as Azure regions, region pairs, and AZ Internet of Things (IoT) Hub, IoT Central, and Azure Sphere,
Azure Synapse Analytics, HDInsight, and Azure Databricks,
Azure Machine Learning, Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Service,
Serverless computing solutions that include Azure Functions and Logic Apps,
Azure DevOps, GitHub, Azure Advisor, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates, Azure Security, Privacy and Workloads, General security, network security, policy compliance, security alerts, secure score, Key Vault, Azure Sentinel, Concept of defense in depth, NSG, Azure Firewall, Azure DDoS protection, Identity, governance, Conditional Access, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and Single Sign-On (SSO), etc

GCP, Virtual Machines, Azure App Services, Azure Container Instances (ACI), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Windows Virtual Desktop, Virtual Networks, VPN Gateway, Virtual Network peering, and ExpressRoute, GCP Plan and configure a cloud solution, GCP Deploy and implement a cloud solution, GCP Ensure successful operation of a cloud solution, GCP Configure access and security, GCP Setting up a cloud solution environment, CORS, CLI, pod, Compute Engine, Cloud CDN, Cloud SQL, etc.

Container (Blob) Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage, and storage tiers, Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, etc.

Note and disclaimer: We are not affiliated with AWS, Azure, Microsoft or Google. The questions are put together based on the certification study guide and materials available online. The questions in this app should help you pass the exam but it is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any exam you did not pass.

Important: To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers in this app. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.


版本 1.0.9

- Minor Issues Fixing
- UX Improvements
- Added new item
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