Duet Display 4+

Be Twice As Productive

Duet, Inc.

    • 4.6 • 3,170 則評分
    • 免費
    • 提供 App 內購買


橫掃美、日、英、德及其他 17 個國家最高銷量 iPad App 榜冠軍!

《Duet》能將 iPad 及 iPhone 變成 Mac 或 PC 最高端的額外螢幕。它由一群前蘋果工程師開發,提供無與倫比的效能及畫面顯示質量,並帶給用家零延遲的體驗。

— 提高工作效率 —

— 易懂易用 —
用家只要利用充電線將 iPad 連接電腦即可開始使用。免費的《Duet》電腦 App 會自動偵測裝置,並將其變成高效能的觸控式螢幕。

你無需擔心 Wi-Fi 不可靠、執行出現延遲、畫面出現顆粒以及網路密碼管理等問題。

— 觸控式螢幕 —
透過觸控及手勢操控 Mac 或 PC,享受前所未有的互動體驗,包括雙指滾動、平移與縮放。

— Apple Pencil 適用 —
有了《Duet Pro》,你可以將 iPad 及 Apple Pencil 變成一台專業的圖形平板電腦。我們重新設計了算圖演算法,為設計師、插畫師及藝術家提供反應靈敏的繪畫工具。

此外,《Duet Pro》還解鎖了壓力及傾斜角度感應、停留、防手掌誤觸等功能,讓專業人士能在各大專業繪圖程式中隨心所欲地繪畫,包括 Photoshop、Corel Painter、Lightroom、ToonBoom、Illustrator、Manga Studio 等。

— 媒體報導 —
TechCrunch - 「如同魔法一般」
Time -「以更快、更有效率方式完成工作」
The Guardian -「無延遲」
Forbes -「簡而言之...Duet Display 有用。」
The Verge -「超級流暢」
Lifehacker -「快速、易用且超好用」
Business Insider -「零延遲且真正的視網膜解析度」

— 用戶好評 —
「我真的很喜歡這套應用程式,我想我可以給予的最大讚美是,設定非常簡單,幾乎像是 Apple 的產品。」
~Mat Nightingale

「我拿到 iPad 後就一直想要這樣的功能,超好用,本來就應該這樣。神奇!就好像我忽然有一個全新、可以在任何地方使用的第二個螢幕。謝謝。」
~Isaac Shore

「順道一提,對我來說非常神奇的解決方案。和我期望的一樣,實際上,這是我買 iPad 的主要理由 : )」
~Mikkel Gemzoe

「我用了 Duet,使用經驗非常棒!」
~Vineet T.

所有 iOS 7.0 或以上的 iPhone 及 iPad
所有 10.9 (Mavericks) 或以上的 Mac
所有 Windows 7 或以上的 PC

《Duet Pro》適用於:
所有 iPad Pro 及 Apple Pencil
所有 10.9 (Mavericks) 或以上的 Mac
所有 Windows 8.1 或以上(64 位元)的 PC

Duet Pro is an optional upgrade for additional features, and price may vary by location. Duet Pro subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. You will not be able to cancel the subscription once activated. Manage Duet Pro in Account Settings after the optional upgrade.

如欲了解更多內容,歡迎瀏覽 http://www.duetdisplay.com
Terms: https://www.duetdisplay.com/help-center/duet-terms-and-conditions
Privacy Policy: https://www.duetdisplay.com/help-center/duet-privacy-policy


版本 2.27

iOS 現在可以作為發送端使用。


4.6(滿分 5 分)
3,170 則評分

3,170 則評分

Andy-the Fly

Legacy Account

I have purchased duet for a very long time, and I mainly use wired connection. there are times at my line of work where I just need a double screen desperately, and duet certainly gets the job done. My duet system did not work properly recently after the update, I thought it was duet’s trick to make people with legacy accounts purchase new accounts. I inquired the company about it, and surprisingly, 2 of their Employers contacted me and helped me to resolve the problems. After updating the software on Windows 11 and my iPad, everything works without a hitch. For anyone who wants to use an iPad as a double screen, duet is certainly the best choice out there. The constant updates and long-term reliability deserves 5 stars from me. Good job duet.


Unexpected changes

I started to use Duet several years ago. And appreciate Duet to let me have the dial display anywhere with iPad.

But just found the dual display is limited to 10 minutes. It’s unexpected and not fair to the users who payed for the app long time ago and who just need it for basic dual display.

I understand your company could put money to make this app with more functionality this years. But what I need is just basic connection and that is why I bought for this app several years ago.

I understand time changes everything, include honesty and trust.

But it’s very easy and intuitive that the initiative idea to buy this app app is to share the screen. How do you define the usage time of 10 minutes to reconnect again for dual display?

I am not free trial this app, I paid for this app and need to have dual display until I complete what I am doing.

It’s really not a good idea to abandon your loyal customers who support your company long time ago and forced them to pay more money for upgrade.





App 隱私權

開發者「Duet, Inc.」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策



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