Tiny Neo - Agility Training TV 4+

Mobile Innovations, SL

    • 免費
    • 只適用於 Apple TV

Apple TV 截圖


Help Tiny Neo to become a real Agility champion in this obstacles race! Jump as high as possible to overcome all the obstacles. You can eat all the treats you want, a few of them will make Tiny Neo faster but if you eat a lot then he will become heavier and slower.

Kids loves Tiny Neo! There is a special mode for KIDS so they can play easily.


版本 1.8

This update is signed with Apple’s latest signing certificate. No new features are included.

App 隱私權

開發者「Mobile Innovations, SL」尚未提供關於其隱私權實務和資料處理的詳細資訊給 Apple。


開發者送出下一個 App 更新項目時需要提供隱私權詳細資訊。
