
OffScreen: Screen Time Control

App blocker for focus


Editors’ Choice celebrates the very best apps and games – hand-picked by App Store editors around the world.

We are increasingly connected to the world through our smart devices, but OffScreen reminds us of the importance of going offline once in a while.

We knew we loved it when: We saw our mobile device usage broken down into 10 different metrics. Knowing how often we pick up our device, how much time we spend on it at a time, how often we use it while in motion and so on really paints a clear picture of our current habits and pinpoints what we can improve on.

Our favourite moment: Knowing when to unplug, thanks to the app’s thoughtful notifications. Are you always on your phone when you’re walking? OffScreen says, “It’s dangerous and you should put down your device now.” And of course, it’s right!

The biggest surprise: The Focus mode. Turning our device transforms the entire screen into one big black-and-white flip clock so we can laser in on work.

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