Rumble Stars Football is completely over the top.

Rumble Stars Football

Real-Time Animal PvP Matches!


It turns out playing a game of football with cartoon pandas, tigers and crocodiles is exactly as riotous as it sounds.

Just like creator Frogmind’s previous game Badland Brawl, in Rumble Stars Football you fling your squad of cartoon heroes into the arena and watch the carnage unfold. Except here you’re flinging them into a game of football – but not one you’re likely to see on Sky Sports anytime soon.

Using the right character at the right time is key here. When you’re at risk of being overrun by your opponent, use heavy defensive players like Lazy Panda to clog up the pitch, or aggressive types – like the Crocodile or Raging Bull – to take out the attackers.

Rumble Stars Football turns the classic sport into a frantic battle.

Then, when you’ve set your sights at a goal, you’ve got to pounce at the right moment. Ping goalscorers like Striker Tiger and Sniper Wolf into the action at the right angle and you’ll have a decent chance of scoring.

First to three goals wins, and matches are fast and furious – especially with that bull charging about. Each of your players has limited health, so you’ll need to keep flinging these furry fellas onto the pitch again and again. It means assessing and re-assessing your strategy as the match develops.

Oh, and it’s worth sticking on some headphones for this one – the sound design is terrific, with each animal grunting, huffing, roaring and croaking their way through the match to hilarious effect.

Though it all looks rather chaotic – and in fact that’s half its charm – delve deeper and you’ll discover more nuanced strategies to deploy as your roster of characters grows. Rumble Stars Football is yet another carefully crafted gem of a game from one of Helsinki’s star developers Frogmind. Get ready to rumble!