Adobe Fresco: Painting Studio 4+

Adobe Inc.

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Adobe Fresco is a free drawing and painting app designed for digital artists. Built for iPad and iPhone with Apple Pencil Pro compatibility, Fresco offers a wide variety of brushes and features to help you create your next masterpiece.

Take your artwork to the next level by adding motion with Fresco’s suite of animation and motion path tools. Explore frame-by-frame animation and revolutionary motion paths. Draw and paint with rotational and reflective symmetry guides. Paste photos from your clipboard or your camera roll to practice your form. Show off your process by exporting a time-lapse video of your process. Explore hundreds of tutorials and inspiration pieces from the Fresco Community. Plus, brushes and projects follow you across devices so you can work wherever and whenever inspiration strikes.

• Brush variety — Paint with thousands of pixel brushes, vector brushes, and exclusive Live Brushes. You can also import your favorite Photoshop brushes as .abr files
• Unlimited layers — Create like a pro and discover infinite possibilities with unlimited layers.
• Symmetry — Draw stunning symmetrical artwork quickly and easily with new reflective & rotational guides.
• Snap to shape – Hold down at the end of your stroke to snap a perfect circle, polygon, line, or arc into place.
• Paint inside mode – Speed up coloring by constraining your brush strokes to your line art.
• Color palettes – Fresco automatically creates a color palette when you import any artwork.
• Recolor your artwork — Photoshop-like adjustment layers allow you to easily test and apply changes to brightness, hue/saturation, and color balance.
• Text — Add stylish text to your artwork using Adobe’s expansive collection of free fonts.
• Multicolor swatches — Pick up the elements of any piece of artwork to paint with multiple colors at once using any pixel brush or Live Brush.
• Motion tools — Adding motion to your artwork is as easy as drawing a stroke. Create an animation using frame by frame or motion paths for a GIF or MP4 movie file.
• Time-lapse — Export a video that replays the creation of your artwork from start to finish.
• Magic wand, liquify and free transform — Easily select your artwork with the magic wand tool and use liquify and other free transform tools to alter any object.
• Learn content — Strengthen your skills with step-by-step tutorials and built-in video tutorials.
• Drawing aids — Trace along the edges of a ruler, circle, square or polygon with a brush or fill inside or outside of a shape with the Fill tool.
• Guides & grids — Align your artwork easily and create perspective grids from an imported photo.
• Share your artwork — Export in popular formats like PNG, JPG and layered PSD files.
• Seamless integration with Photoshop and Illustrator — Open documents in either app without importing or exporting. Send your layered vector illustrations directly to Illustrator for desktop or iPad for finishing touches.

Terms & Conditions:
Your use of this application is governed by the Adobe General Terms of Use and the Adobe Privacy Policy

Do not sell or share my personal information:

Що нового

Версія 6.2.0

ONION SKIN COLORS: We've added onion skin colors to make it easier for motion artists to distinguish between the before and after frames!

THOUSANDS OF BRUSHES UNLOCKED: Everyone can now enjoy free access to thousands of previously premium, game-changing brushes in Fresco. Plus, you can also import your own.

Оцінки та відгуки

4,7 з 5
Оцінок: 763

Оцінок: 763

Severin 16 ,


Make simplifications of the line vector to reduce the number of points without distorting the drawing (you can simplify it in parts). And also the removal of dots or dashes, for example, 1,2,3 dots separately so that you can select them and remove them from the whole picture (garbage), when you draw, you poke a pencil into the screen and dots remain, so that they can be deleted separately, thanks.

Alex.Pull ,

Love it

Great performance, simple and intuitive interface, developers constantly adding new features.

Malenkova89 ,

My favorite drawing app

1. Please, add more color picker options (classic PS HSB would be great).
2. For now the UI and docks takes up too much space. Make it more flexible and tiny.

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