EagleFiler 17+

C-Command Software, LLC

    • 69,99 USD

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Collect notes, e-mails, and Web pages on your Mac, and search them instantly. EagleFiler makes organizing and managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. Use it to collect information from a variety of sources. Browse different types of files using a familiar three-pane interface. Organize them into folders and annotate them with tags and notes, or leave everything in one folder and pin-point the information you need using the live search. Since EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, you can use it in concert with the other tools in your Mac ecosystem.

EagleFiler in a nutshell:

* With a single keypress, import Web pages, mail messages, or any file on your Mac.

* EagleFiler stores them in an open format: regular files and folders that are fully accessible to your other applications.

* Optionally: encrypt the files, add tags, notes, color-coded labels, and other metadata.

* Browse by folder or by tag, or use the live search or smart folders to find the information you need (faster than Spotlight).

* View, edit, or create documents directly in EagleFiler's streamlined interface, or double-click to edit using another application.

What can you do with EagleFiler? EagleFiler is a digital filing cabinet, an information organizer, and a snippet manager. You can use it to write a journal, track the files for a project or job, save your favorite Web pages locally, store financial statements, run a paperless office, plan a trip, archive your e-mail correspondence, search mailing list archives, or research a purchase. Use EagleFiler as a bookmark manager, a recipe database, and an issue tracker. Store scientific papers, assemble a scrapbook, or gather notes for a legal case or college course. It’s the most flexible tool on your Mac.

“It’s a vital tool for the digital pack rat.…The application’s tagging, note-taking, and searching capabilities make finding that one file you stored in EagleFiler a year ago and want to retrieve today a cinch.” —Macworld

“EagleFiler combines ease of use with an underlying ingenuity that makes it feel simple, fast, and lightweight. It’s packed with too many clever touches for me to list.” —TidBITS

“Using EagleFiler, I can now stop fussing with organization tools and just get myself organized.” —InformationWeek

Що нового

Версія 1.9.16

- Improved the formatting of community notes and quote tweets when importing from X/Twitter.

- Worked around a bug in macOS 15 where sometimes the system help viewer wouldn’t open to the right help page. EagleFiler will instead open help files in the user’s Web browser.

- Fixed a bug where “Merge Mailboxes/Message Files” might fail if the files were stored in iCloud Drive but not downloaded to the Mac.

- Fixed a bug where EagleFiler might improperly recognize certain folders as mailboxes when importing.

- EagleFiler no longer triggers the “find devices on local networks” prompt on macOS 15.

- Made some changes to track down an issue where files stored in OneDrive on macOS 15 might be incorrectly reported as missing.

- Removed support for Growl, as all supported macOS versions now have Notification Center built-in.

- Removed various unused code.

- Fixed the broken help button in the Settings window.

If you enjoy using EagleFiler, please take a moment to rate it or leave a review. We’d really appreciate it.

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