Music Info — Song Metadata 4+

Jordan Hipwell

    • 1,99 USD

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Music Info allows you to view information about songs in your library, including play count, skip count, release date, date added, album artist, composer, genre, year, comments, lyrics, and more.*

"Apple's Music app on macOS surfaces all kinds of information about the songs you're listening to … But for reasons unknown, that isn't the case with the iOS version of Music. But as Apple likes to say, there's an app for that."

Music Info features a clean, modern design that’s simple and efficient to use. When you open the app, if a song is playing in the Music app, its info automatically appears and updates when the song changes. You can also select a song from your library to view its metadata. 

You can even get a song’s info directly in the Music app from the share sheet — it’s Music’s missing Get Info button.

The Now Playing widget displays info about the song currently playing in the Music app on your Home Screen, StandBy, and iPad Lock Screen. Edit the widget to customize which song properties are visible.

More features
-- Drag and drop a song from Music to see its info
-- Look up song info with Music Recognition powered by Shazam
-- Play the selected song in-app
-- Reorder or hide information
-- Tap and hold text to copy information
-- Select words in lyrics to look up, translate, copy, or share
-- Drag and drop artwork into other apps
-- Light and dark mode
-- Home Screen quick actions
-- App Shortcuts
-- Keyboard shortcuts
-- Split view multitasking and multiple windows on iPadOS
-- Full accessibility support including Dynamic Type, VoiceOver, and Voice Control
-- No ads, no tracking, no subscriptions

How it works
-- The Music app, like iTunes before it, saves metadata for each song you have in your library. Music Info reveals this information that otherwise isn’t accessible on iOS and iPadOS.
-- All songs in your library can be accessed in the Music Info app, no matter if they were added via Apple Music, purchased, matched, uploaded, or otherwise synced to your device. Songs in Apple Music that haven’t been added to your library have limited information available.
-- The share sheet action is available when sharing a song in the Music app. Note that only songs that are available on Apple Music can be shared. Music Info will try to look up that song in your library which may require an internet connection. It’s possible it may not be able to find the right song, for example, if you’ve renamed it. If that is the case, you can still use the app to access its information even without an internet connection.

Things to note
-- Song metadata cannot be edited on iOS and iPadOS
-- You do not need to be an Apple Music subscriber to use the app
-- Music Info does not work with any third-party music services
-- Lyrics must be added to your songs via Music or iTunes on your Mac or PC

*All available metadata:
-- Artwork
-- Title
-- Artist
-- Album
-- Album artist
-- Composer
-- Grouping
-- Genre
-- Year
-- Track
-- Disc
-- Compilation
-- Rating
-- Explicit
-- Beats per minute
-- Duration
-- Start
-- Stop
-- Release date
-- Date added
-- Plays
-- Last played
-- Skips
-- Last skipped
-- Comments
-- Lyrics

Что нового

Версия 1.7

-- Added year, start time, stop time, and last skipped information
-- Customize the information you want to see in Settings

Конфиденциальность приложения

Разработчик Jordan Hipwell указал, что в соответствии с политикой конфиденциальности приложения данные могут обрабатываться так, как описано ниже. Подробные сведения доступны в политике конфиденциальности разработчика.

Сбор данных не ведется

Разработчик не ведет сбор данных в этом приложении.

Конфиденциальные данные могут использоваться по-разному в зависимости от вашего возраста, задействованных функций или других факторов. Подробнее


  • Семейный доступ

    При включенном Семейном доступе приложением могут пользоваться до шести членов «Семьи».

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