Team Split PRO 4+

Daniel Lehner

Розроблено для iPad

    • 4,99 USD

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Team Split PRO is the ultimate tool for quickly and easily dividing any group of people into balanced teams. Whether you're organizing a sports event, corporate workshop, or fun group activity, creating teams has never been this simple. With just a few taps, you can split groups of up to 100 people into as many as 50 teams, ensuring quick and fair team creation every time. No more manual sorting or headaches – let Team Split PRO do the work for you!

With the Colors feature, Team Split PRO adds an extra layer of customization by assigning different colors to team buttons. This feature allows you to visually differentiate teams based on criteria you define, such as ensuring each team has a mix of genders or skills. By using up to three distinct colors, you can quickly check if your teams are balanced according to your own guidelines.

Use Cases:

- Sports Events: Organizing a casual soccer match or a large tournament? Simply enter the players' names, and Team Split PRO will distribute them across teams. With the Colors feature, ensure teams have a fair mix of players based on skills or other preferences.

- Corporate Team-Building: Hosting a team-building event or a workshop? With Team Split PRO, you can divide your participants into smaller teams for group activities or breakout sessions. Use the Colors feature to ensure each team has a balanced set of participants, perfect for fostering collaboration.

- Classroom & Learning Activities: Teachers can use Team Split PRO to create study groups or teams for classroom activities. By utilizing the Colors feature, ensure a balanced mix of skills or roles across all teams, making the group work fairer and more effective.

Key Features:

- Supports up to 100 players and 50 teams.
- Simple and intuitive interface for fast team creation.
- Colors feature to customize and differentiate teams for balance (e.g., skills, gender, roles).
- Quick shuffle and reassignment options for flexible team management.
- Ideal for sports, corporate, classroom, and social events.

Get Team Split PRO today and streamline team creation for any event with ease!

Що нового

Версія 0.3.2

Framework Update!

Приватність програми

Розробник (Daniel Lehner) зазначив, що до процедур забезпечення приватності програми може входити обробка даних, як це описано нижче. Докладніші відомості наведено на сторінці політики приватності розробника.

Дані не збираються

Розробник не збирає жодних даних із цієї програми.

Процедури роботи з конфіденційною інформацією можуть відрізнятися з урахуванням, наприклад, вашого віку або функцій, якими ви користуєтеся. Докладніше


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