terneo app
the app is good, easy to use. there is still room to improve with the schedules, but overall, I’m pleased. I would totally recommend it .
the app is good, easy to use. there is still room to improve with the schedules, but overall, I’m pleased. I would totally recommend it .
Unlike all other smart home/device app absolutely stable. And I always know in which state my device is.
Hey folks
Thx for the app
App “optimizes” history data by removing all temperature points except one for a specific day in history. If you are so concerned about “optimizing” your database, be so kind to leave a chance for data export, like other vendors do.
Thank you for your feedback. We will take your request into account in the future.
Cannot connect to WiFi network, which has “space” in password
We'll fix it in the next update
The worst user experience I’ve ever seen.
Where is the guide with steps of all the cases?
Where are the description of all the icons you use in app that are disabled and prevent setting the temperature.
I don’t recommend neither terneo thermostats nor this app.
Good day! If you have difficulties with connection, you can always contact technical Thanks for your feedback! Happy to provide you with a master class:
How to connect the terneo SX Smart Wi-Fi thermostat - https://dse.ltd/iosen This video also contains a description of the icons and functions.
Хочу ще щоб все ж таки було керування home kit
Безпосередньо не підтримують роботу, але можуть працювати через плагіни сторонніх розробників, написані нашим API
Планируется ли интеграция с homekit?
Прямой интеграции с homekit в ближайшем будущем не планируется. Открытый API для самостоятельной интеграции в Apple Homekit можно посмотреть тут: https://terneo-api.readthedocs.io/ru/latest/index.html.
Все сподобалось, є підрахунок коштів, можна налаштувати календар, можна ввімкнути мануально, групування пристроїв. Дякую!
Иногда тяжкого подключить новый прибор.геозона подглючивает.не реагирует на другие телефоны. И выключить теперь не получается
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