Annotate - Text, Emoji, Stickers and Shapes on Photos and Screenshots


Pictures aren’t just about pixels any more: they need to really pop. Arrows, emojis and free-drawn doodles are relatively standard issue in any photo app – and Annotate puts the full arsenal at your fingertips.

Point and shoot or pull a picture from your camera roll, and then use this image as your canvas. You can mark up images in five colours (yellow, green, turquoise, blue and red) and have access to a selection of stickers, which you can shrink down or scale up accordingly.

Add extra fun to your photos with Annotate.

You can also tap text into a box, stretch scalable arrows across your picture and flip the camera into front-facing mode so you can doodle all over your selfies. Or position a lobster peeking over your shoulder.

Don’t keep your work to yourself: share directly over email, social networks or save the picture to your camera roll.

There’s something of a retro feel to Annotate. The tools and simple colour palette feel like a mash-up of familiar old design software – except it’s all here at your fingertips.