5 notable things you can do with Notability

Notability: Notes, PDF

Note-Taking Beyond Paper


Notability is one of the longest-running and most powerful note-taking apps out there, and a robust new update adds more features than ever. Here are five ways to harness the power of Notability, whether you’re a notes expert or just starting out.

Combine everything

With Notability, you can put all your content in one place. Organise your text files, photos, handwritten notes and snarky GIFs in a beautifully formatted document – or just throw everything in there and sort it out later. In either case, Notability shines as a place to store all your stuff. Plus, all your Notability docs sync via iCloud, so you can safely and securely revisit them on all your devices.

Annotate with Apple Pencil

Circle the important parts, cross off the unimportant ones or draw little unicorns in the margins during meetings. You can annotate anything: PDFs, presentation slides, shopping lists and much more.

Make it a blank canvas

Sketch, draw and doodle with the app’s drawing features. Notability’s ink rendering engine has been freshly rewritten in Metal, which basically means everything is way faster now, including the app’s pencil, paint brushes and texturing ink.

Link audio recordings

Your audio recordings automatically link to any notes you take while recording – a super-handy feature if you’re attending a lecture, conducting an interview or sitting in a long meeting.

See what others are up to

The Notability Gallery is a space where users can share their gorgeously designed and/or efficiently organised notes with the public. Notes are viewable from both the app and a browser, which means you can draw inspiration from just about anywhere.