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FitWoody: Activity Tracker

HRV, Sleep, Exercise & Fitness


Embarking on a new exercise routine can feel less daunting when you do it with a friend – especially a fun one. FitWoody’s playful campfire character, Woody, acts as your virtual workout buddy, keeping you motivated, tracking your movement and guiding you towards better self-care. Depending on your performance, Woody changes to reflect your physical and mental state. If you are on fire, Woody will burn brightly too!

What we love: The app’s holistic approach to healthy living. As well as monitoring your workouts, the app tracks your sleep quality and offers physical challenges that could boost your overall wellbeing.

Prioritise self-care with the app’s wellbeing challenges and sleep-tracking tool.

Quick tip: FitWoody is the perfect companion for your iPhone and Apple Watch. The app uses the analysis of your daily habits to create a truly personalised experience – including adaptive streaks, which take into account your body recovery time to ensure your exercise routine feels manageable.

Meet the creator: Asier García Morato and Patricia Bedoya, the co-founders of Chubby Apps, were asked by users of their celebrated diabetes tracker, Cori, to create a health-tracking app for people without diabetes. FitWoody is the result.