Часы Искуплени‪я‬ 12+

Стань сталкером, спаси девушк‪у‬

Odencat Inc.

    • 4,7 • Оценок: 1 тыс.
    • Бесплатно
    • Включает встроенные покупки

Снимки экрана


Часы Искупления – это пиксель-арт адвенчура, которую можно пройти за 30 минут.

В этой игре вы примерите на себя роль сталкера, убившего девушку, которую он любил.

Таинственный незнакомец даёт вам часы, с помощью которых можно оборачивать время вспять. Вам придется вернуться на место преступления
и посредством взаимодействия с объектами изменить исход событий и спасти девушку.

Что может спасти протагониста в прошлом от перехода на темную сторону своей личности?
Короткая игра с несколькими концовками, основанная на будоражащей концепции.

Что нового

Версия 1.10.3

Исправлен сбой в iOS 17

Оценки и отзывы

4,7 из 5
Оценок: 1 тыс.

Оценок: 1 тыс.

p13cch ,


I have just finished this game after playing Bear’s restaurant , Bluebird of Happiness, and Town of Tides. All of these games are the BEST game son the App Store. There is so much I love about these games, but if I had to pick, I think that the best part of these games are Diago’s vision of God and his role in life. As a Catholic, I think it is really cool that the message of this game is that all sins, no matter how grave they can be, can be forgiven with God (God being the Clock of Atonement) I also like how there is an alternative to paying for the ending, which was similar to Bear’s restaurant (I spent 2 days feeding that stupid cat!) Anyways I think that all of Daigo’s games are worth trying out, because they all have a great, unforgettable story.

HaveAJoyousDay ,

I’m a bit confused

(((Spoilers for Bear’s Restaurant)))
In Bear’s Restaurant, the file on the guy in this game (Kazuya) said that he had no remorse for what he had done, and because of that, he was sent to the deepest part of hell: Nihility. This game, however, paints a very different picture of this man. Not only does he have regrets for what he has done, but going back in time resulted in him choosing to murder himself before killing that woman. On top of that, he had some sort of mental abnormality that resulted in his skewed perception of relationships/empathy. I’m confused as to why he was sent to nihility (where his soul would be destroyed and unable to re-enter the reincarnation cycle) while the nurse who murdered far more (albeit for questionable/debatable reasoning) was sent back into the reincarnation cycle.

And on top of that, in Bear’s Restaurant, he WAS murdered by the man outside (unlike in the good ending in this game), and Kazuya didn’t understand why he was killed. In CoA, he DOES understand why he was killed and hopes that being murdered will help him atone for his sins. He talks about making up for what he’s done throughout the entire game and holds onto that through his entire prison sentence, but he’s like a completely different person in Bear’s Restaurant.
I don’t understand why this is. Which game is true to this Kazuya’s timeline and character?

Goso646446 ,

Thank you Devs

Another master piece. I could go on about how I love this game, but I wouldn't want to spoil the experience for anyone. All I would like to say is, although very minimalist in design (I know sprites take time to make I appreciate that), the game delivers very well. Unlike Bear’s restaurant there is a way to access the 2nd episode by watching ads. I suggested this before and appreciate to see it put within this game (Even though I know I wasn’t the reason it was added).

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Разработчик Odencat Inc. указал, что в соответствии с политикой конфиденциальности приложения данные могут обрабатываться так, как описано ниже. Подробные сведения доступны в политике конфиденциальности разработчика.

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  • Геопозиция
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  • Диагностика

Связанные с пользова­телем данные

Может вестись сбор следующих данных, которые связаны с личностью пользователя:

  • Геопозиция
  • Идентифика­торы
  • Данные об использова­нии
  • Диагностика

Не связанные с пользова­телем данные

Может вестись сбор следующих данных, которые не связаны с личностью пользователя:

  • Диагностика

Конфиденциальные данные могут использоваться по-разному в зависимости от вашего возраста, задействованных функций или других факторов. Подробнее

Другие приложения этого разработчика

Bear's Restaurant
Fishing Paradiso
Город Приливов
Block Bros: Platformer Builder
Синяя Птица Счастья

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