أسطورة العنقا‪ء‬ ٤+

الحب والرومانسية بداخل القص‪ر‬

Modo Game

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لقطات الشاشة


أسطورة العنقاء هي لعبة مخصصة للهاتف النقال وتتناول حياة قصر الحريم في العصور القديمة لدولة الصين. يمكنك
القيام بهذه التجربة بنفسك والتعرف أكثر علي الحياة الصينية القديمة. بداخل القصر يمكنك التعرف علي المزيد من الأصدقاء المقربين وبدأ حياة الرومانسية والحب، ويمكنك أيضًا تنمية الشركاء المحدودون حتي يمكنك الفوز بمعركة القصر. يحتوي القصر علي الكثير من المؤامرات والخدع، حيث كلما زادت مكانتك علوِ داخل القصر كلما كانت حدة القتال أكثر وأشد ضراوة، لذا يجب الحذر في كل خطوة وكل قرار تتخذه داخل القصر.

(مميزات اللعبة)
أدوات الزينة
توفر لكم أسطورة العنقاء العديد من أدوات الزينة والتجميل والتي يمكنك الاختيار منها بحرية تامة
توفر لكم أسطورة العنقاء حبكة درامية رائعة علي الطراز الصيني
توفر لكم اسطورة العنقاء العديد من الأحداث المختلفة والتي يوجد بها العديد من المكافآت التي يمكنكم الحصول عليها
يوجد بداخل أسطورة العنقاء الكثير من الأزياء التقليدية والحديثة
الحيوان الأليف
قامت أسرة أسطورة العنقاء بإنشاء نظام الحيوانات الأليفة بحيث يمكنك تربية ما تحب وقت ما تحب
يمكنك بداخل أسطورة العنقاء إنشاء النادي الخاص بك وقبول طلبات الإضافة بداخله ويمكنك تكون صداقات وعلاقات مع اللاعبين من جميع أنحاء العالم

ماذا تنتظرون، يمكنكم بدأ رحلة الرومانسية داخل القصر بأسرع وقت ونحن سنكون فى انتظارك بداخل القصر

ما الجديد

الإصدار 2.7.8

لقد قمنا بتحسين تجربة اللعب الخاصة بك وأضفنا محتوى مثيرًا للاهتمام.

التقييمات والمراجعات

٤٫٤ من ٥
٤٫٣ ألف من التقييمات

٤٫٣ ألف من التقييمات

Jelly.Bean122421 ،

Always room for improvement

I love this game, I’ve been playing it for almost a year now, and I don’t miss a day. As many say, it is a game that to gain more things the game offers, you have to pay, that is normal. What’s not normal is the pricing of the items compared to the ingots you gain in-game. You could easily gain without boosts, and depending your rank, no more than 300 ingots daily. You could gain a bit more if you buy their monthly pass or lifetime pass, but obviously if you don’t expect to spend money on the game, it’ll take you much more time to gain power and resources.

I did read in some of the feedbacks given to bring up options to exchange silver for ingots, and I do think that is a good idea, the same for the cloud brocades. Why? Well because you accumulate si;ver, but there are rarely any options to spend it at. The new event that came about Wei Yingluo gave the option of spending silver for plates so you could move, but only gave you 4 steps, no more. 4 steps didn’t even get you half way which clearly forced players to spend ingots which is stupid. They should’ve given more opportunities with silver spending. I don’t think the game developers will see this or even bother since as long as they keep making people poorer, and they keep getting their money, they wouldn’t care..

breann1967 ،

After playing for a year…

It’s time I finally write my review on this game..
First and foremost, I love this game. It’s become almost a comfort to me. To get home and log on. I downloaded it for the storyline, I stayed for the casual daily playing/tasks and the community. Now, I’ve been seeing their adds on other apps and some of the are nothing like the game. I’ve even poked fun, saying that I can’t protect the game devs if they keep it up. But in all seriousness, it’s a very good game. It has the story, the tasks, the community, events, and they’ve even incorporated outfit designs that players have made. It’s incredible how interactive the devs are. (I realize everything I’ve said is positive this far so let me clarify, I’m getting no reward or anything for this. I just want others who enjoy this type of game to try it, as it has brought me solace oddly enough). The game can start off slow if you don’t pay attention to your “quest” and the game does have the infamous currency that is harder to obtain than other- more common- currency. (Called gold ingots). I’ve seen people complain about having to pay to get them. You do NOT have to pay. You can gain these by daily tasks and saving up. Of course, it’s encouraged to buy them especially for VIP status and perks but it is not required for everything else in the game. I really enjoy this game and I hope it will continue to grow as I’ve made it a part of my everyday life even if only briefly some days.

استجابة المطور ،

Hello, kindly try switching between 4G and Wifi to check if the issue still persists. You can try to restart your device and clear cache for the game. If that doesn't help, please contact us at CS@modogame.com.

i have 3.5 kids in my basement ،

I love this game so much

This game has so many unique features that keep urging me to play more. There’s a detailed and quite intriguing story line, many events, so many outfits to choose from, and other factors such as guilds, debates, a kitchen and farm, ect. (more once you level up.) There are many ways to get recourses for upgrading partners and confidants. From my experience, the game also has a welcoming community to chat with. Players are kind and higher ranked players can help with any confusion in the general or guild chat. There is also a translating system that easily destroys language barriers (as I speak english while many other players speak languages such as spanish in my server.) There are a few things I would change though! Although I do remember a bit of guidance at the beginning, I wish there was a more detailed guide to get you going. Eventually, after playing long enough, things become clear. But with all the things to do, starting can be confusing and overwhelming. The game seems to be also quite reliant on real money sometimes. From VIP, to ingots (main currency to buy most things), to gorgeous limited outfits… It can be hard to get valuable recourses without guidance, but you can still get things if you learn how to do things correctly. Anyways, a lovely game (with no ads) that I would say defiantly deserves a try!

استجابة المطور ،

Dear player, thank you for leaving a 5-Stars review. We are glad that the team has managed to meet your needs for Legend of the Phoenix (LOP). Looking forward to serving you in the future!


خصوصية التطبيق

أوضح المطور Modo Game، أن ممارسات خصوصية التطبيق قد تتضمن معالجة البيانات على النحو الموضح أدناه. لمزيد من المعلومات، انظر %سياسة خصوصية المطور(ة) سياسة خصوصية المطور.

البيانات المستخدمة لتتبعك

يمكن استخدام البيانات التالية لتتبعك عبر التطبيقات والمواقع الإلكترونية المملوكة لشركات أخرى:

  • معلومات الاتصال

البيانات المرتبطة بك

قد يتم جمع البيانات التالية وربطها بهويتك:

  • معلومات الاتصال
  • محتوى المستخدم
  • المعرفات

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