I love this game. But wish for a few changes
I’ve never spent so much money on a game. But I just can’t stop. I love this game. And I love the players here especially in my alliance OOH-RAH STN from 305. But what I would like to see is maybe the SOS cool down being 12 hours vice 24. That would make teaching that goal so much more appealing. The small mineral tiles should carry more minerals 24,000 in a lvl 5 mineral tile is ridiculous no one can move up on that. Let’s shoot for 40,000 give an incentive for gathering. For instance bogo Gather 300k get 300k once in a while. I maybe wrong but I think KE is wayyyyy to long. Maybe throw in another event in Strongest Commander and reduce Kill event to two days. Officer’s I’ve been playing for 3 months now and I can’t get an officer to level 5. I’m even buying all the officer packs when they come out. Granted you guys got to make a profit but shoot does it have to take so long. How about more higher level officer fragments on the officer recruiting more often. Well that’s all I can think of for now. But this game is the ish. Anyone looking for something entertaining to take up a little of your time in the day check out AOZ. It’s the best game ever.