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I’ve purchased both of Watter’s audio books. I buy audio books so I can hear the author say the words and the inflections and tone of the words give me more about the book than the words. I will NEVER purchase another book by Watter’s that he doesn’t narrate.
I don’t think he has any idea the sales you’re going losing by not narrating it yourself. It’s also very lazy. If you’re not proud enough of the book to bother to narrate it why should I bother.
Taking the lazy way shows me you’re not worthy of watching you’re show on Fox or the five when you on.
Whatever reason you’ve created to not narrate you own book the truth is you’re just lazy and will only give 90% to whatever you’re doing. Not a good legacy to leave. Unfortunately you have to write another book and narrate it to get me back. I realize I just one person but what you don’t know the hundreds of thousands of people that feel the I do. Good by for a very long time and likely forever, I doubt you’ll ever change only giving 90%. Your biggest problem is you don’t know what you don’t know, you should find out, that extra 10% is where you find the real answers. Last note, this is first review I’ve ever written and I have well over 1000 Audiobooks in my library and have finished everyone.