Best Decision - decision maker 4+

Lukasz Kowalski

    • 4.5 • 4개의 평가
    • 무료
    • 앱 내 구입 제공


Buying new MacBook? Wondering which house is best for your family? Choosing holidays: tropical beach or a spirited trip through Asia? Always make Best Decision! Best Decision is an extremely easy choice-making analytics app. It will tell you which decision is objectively the best, then YOU choose whatever you please.

The decision making process in Best Decision is trimmed down to the necessary minimum. It’s a 3-step-down staircase:
1. enter all the choices you’re considering
2. enter all the relevant criteria and their importance
3. estimate how well each option meets each criterion

Best Decision takes it from here and the math does the job. As an outcome, you get plain & simple result: your Best Decision and all the other options in order of how well they suit you.

So if you are about to make an important decision, let Best Decision's algorithms do the hard work for you. GET IT NOW!

Most important FEATURES of Best Decision:
1. UNIVERSAL APP for all your iOS and macOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Mac)
2. uses iCloud to automatically SYNC your data between all your devices
3. suitable for COMPLEX and SIMPLE DECISIONS
4. highly FLEXIBLE:
+ can store unlimited number of decisions, options and criteria
+ is suitable for different types of decisions
+ allows to define personal criteria together with their importance
+ allows to modify all previous inputs
+ allows to change the order of decisions, options and criteria (tap and hold)
5. Decision TEMPLATES
6. Touch ID, Face ID or password-protect so YOU DECIDE who can access your decisions
7. USER FRIENDLY: guides you easily through the decision making process
8. presents OBJECTIVELY BEST OPTION in comparison with all other sorted by rating results
9. you can SHARE calculated verdict by Message, send it by mail, generate to PDF or save to Photos
10. use 3D Touch ACTIONS on icon to quickly go to the last 3 decisions or create a new one
11. find any decision in your SPOTLIGHT SEARCH by name or considered option

새로운 기능

버전 3.0.28

Version 3.0.28:
Bug fixing, UX & performance improvements

Version 3.0:
* Universal App for all your iOS and macOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch & Mac), uses iCloud to automatically SYNC your data between your devices
* Chart View
* new improved UX and UI
* lots of small fixes and improvements

평가 및 리뷰

4개의 평가

4개의 평가

Mommadachel ,

Really, really, really useful app - I LOVE it!!!

I have been using this app since 2018, and I absolutely love it! I’m a very analytical person and like to weigh the pros and cons of more complex (and some simple) decisions. I have a very good template I found years ago to do this on paper that I probably could have replicate in a spreadsheet, but decided to see if there were any comparable decision-making apps. I wasn’t surprised that there were quite a few decision-making apps and really did my research to find one that most closely met what I was looking for. Best Decision was, by far, just as the name says it is - the Best Decision! It’s simple to set up, very easy to use, and you have your results in no time. You can see your results ranked in a list, or in a chart. It’s also very flexible in that you can go back and modify any of the elements you originally set up in the event anything changes (as tends to happen in life). When you’re done, it saves your list of “dilemmas” for future use (I mention this because something else I tried didn’t keep the results, so this info was lost unless you printed it), and you also have options to share and/or save your results in multiple ways (text, email) and formats (PDF, image, actual details).

Bottom line: I absolutely love this app and highly recommend it!!!!!

lyka144gghjuyrttr ,

Useful app

The average person spends 80 percent of our time making decisions and 20 percent of their time carrying them out. This app actually flips around the ratio. I now spend 20 percent of my time making decisions and 80 percent carrying them out. I have more time to relax and enjoy life. There are many other apps that i tried which attempt to help in decision making, but this app has all the options and qualities i was looking for. The customer support is excellent too.

lw- ,

Good, but Can NOT Order Items

I really like your app, but really wish I could manually change the order of the items in each list (Decision Name list, Decision Options list, Criteria list).

Please also allow me to Sort the Criteria list based on weight, alphabetical, or manually.

Furthermore, I'd love to be able to export my information AND be able to IMPORT it as well without using iCloud.

It would be nice if I could 3D Touch in the Criteria list and see my decision ratings for that specific criteria. Pressing harder would then allow me to set / change my decision ratings for that specific criteria. This would really come in handy when there are a large (>10) number of Criteria items.

Thank you for creating this app and the hard work you've put into it! I hope you will continue to update it and support it (last update was over 7 months ago).

개발자 답변 ,

Manual sorting of decisions, options and criteria has been added within version 2.4 of the app. Thank you very much for your feedback.

앱 내 구입

Golden Membership One-time Pay
Golden Membership One-time Pay
Unlocks unlimited decision slots for lifetime

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좋아할 만한 다른 항목

Good Decision - Decision Maker
Definitive Choice
장점-단점 : 의사 결정자
Decision Maker: Smart choices
Pros n Cons