Bloons TD 6 9+

Mega Popular Tower Defense

Ninja Kiwi

    • US$6.99
    • 提供 App 内购买项目



凭借十多年的塔防游戏历史和定期海量更新内容,《Bloons TD 6》成为广受全球数百万玩家欢迎的一款游戏。现在就玩《Bloons TD 6》,享受无尽的策略游戏乐趣。

* Boss 活动!令人生畏的Boss气球前来挑战固若金汤的防线。
* 征程模式!完成由一系列地图组成的战斗,通常按主题、规则和奖励划分。
* 争议领地!和其他玩家组成战队,携手对抗五支其他战队,争夺领地。夺取共同地图上的地块,在排行榜上展开竞争。
* 任务!通过任务深入了解猴子特点,体验精彩剧情和分享各种知识。
* 奖杯商店!赚取奖杯即可解锁几十种装饰品,用于自定义自己的猴子、气球、动画、音乐等。
* 内容浏览器!创建你自己的挑战和征程,然后与其他玩家分享,即可畅玩最受喜爱的社区内容。

* 23种强大的猴子塔,每种都有3条升级路径和独特的激活技能。
* 巅峰! 探索最新巅峰升级带来的惊人力量!
* 16位不同英雄,每位都有20项标志性升级和2种特殊技能,以及可解锁的皮肤和配音。

* 4 人合作模式!最多可与 3 名其他玩家在公开或私人游戏中一起畅玩每张地图和每种模式。
* 随时随地畅玩 –即使没有WiFi,也可通过单人模式享受游戏乐趣!
* 70+张手工绘制地图,每次更新都会增加新地图。
* 猴子知识!超过100项元升级,可在你需要的地方增加力量。
* 可通过游戏、活动和成就获得力量和Insta猴子!立即增加力量,帮助你应对棘手的地图和模式。

我们尽可能多地将大量内容放入每一次更新,并且会继续通过定期更新为你带来新的功能、内容和挑战。我们十分尊重你投入的时间和提供的支持,我们希望《Bloons TD 6》成为你玩过的最优秀的策略游戏。如果你有任何意见和建议,请通过https://support.ninjakiwi.com联系我们!

那些气球可不会乖乖束手就擒哦……磨利你的飞镖,开始《Bloons TD 6》吧!


Ninja Kiwi 说明:


《气球塔防 6》游戏中有需要用真实金钱购买的物品。你可以在设备设置中禁用内购,或联系我们寻求帮助:。你的购买将为我们开发更新和新游戏提供资金,衷心感谢你的信任和购买。

Ninja Kiwi 团体:

Ninja Kiwi 一直在积极地宣传和推广 YouTube 和 Twitch 上的频道创作者。如果你尚未与我们合作,请继续制作视频并向我们介绍你的频道。Ninja Kiwi is actively promoting channel creators on YouTube and Twitch! If you are not already working with us, keep making videos and tell us about your channel at


版本 45.0

• 轰炸飞艇回归!核心恶魔为Boss活动带来了火与怒。
• 新造的高级地图“古代传送门”将带来更多变化。
• 此外还有新任务、平衡性调整、生活质量改进、奖杯商店装饰品等更多内容!


4.9(满分 5 分)
30.2万 个评分

30.2万 个评分


One of the must haves for anyone

This game is my personal favorite out of any other game I have ever downloaded at least for mobile but that being said the fact that this game works on mobile and works so well is amazing and yes I understand that was one of the recent updates there has been a bit of a problem with most users involving the update but when it comes down to it it was probably just a mistake with the developers and maybe they forgot to push the update out correctly and I’m sure if it hasn’t been fixed already they are working their hardest to fix it so I would just like to say ninja Keewee personally just keep doing you you’re doing great work and I may be the only one speaking here but personallyYou have brought legitimate fun to my mobile gaming experience and I will continue to be a supporter for as long as these games are made and released and personally I think the five dollar price point is perfectly normal considering your game is very high-quality there are no ads whatsoever the in app purchases aren’t even that bad and the fact that the community is very welcoming whether it be they are afraid to be rude over the fact they might get banned or it’s just they realize they spent actual money on this game and they want to have a good experience to so I just want to say it and then you Keewee staff keep doing you you are doing great work don’t let anyone else say otherwise


Excellent game, too much fun to have

“tHiS gAMe iS tOo HaRd” lol jk I love this game, I have every hero right now and find the game fun every day, I log in almost every day to get the daily chest and do the daily challenge, its soo fun, I even recently got my first hero skin, but aside from that you should definitely download this game, sure there is a price, but there are literally no ads, not one in sight! Pretty cheap too, there are in app purchases, but they’re not required, so people writing that this game is pay to win are just being dramatic, lots of things are unlocked with monkey money, something you get for beating maps for the first time on a certain difficulty, the higher the difficulty the more money, you still get monkey money for say beating a map on easy standard twice but not as much, I got every hero by grinding to get monkey money, the knowledge points are cool too, they unlock nice features like a free dart monkey and magic lives that regenerate every round when you don’t lose any lives. All in all this game is great, you should totally download and as you can tell this is no bot review, almost no cons to the game. This game is also still getting updates, so don’t worry about the game getting stale, just wait a bit or play the challenges in challenge browser, there is a LOT you can do.


Apologies on previous reviews

Oh boy me again with another review. Must be bad right? No, after I stopped being a little brat about these heroes and actually decided to start trying to get them (I have them all as of now), and the grind was boring let’s just point that out. Not that I don’t enjoy playing the game, a good round 100 run is fun every now and then, but just to the heroes, it was a boring grind. I do enjoy some of them as a matter of fact and hate myself for complaining and not trying sooner. But the skins were highly unnecessary. Then again I’ll never get them so what am I complaining for? Anyways next topic, when are there to be the return of the Engineer, Bloonchipper, and the Dartling Gun? Seriously, we still have less towers on there than BTD5, and the heroes don’t apply to that category since they’re their own system. Plus with the whole achievement on your list that is win 10 games using only Support towers seems impopable (ha ha, did that) and it should be obvious Engie and the Chipper would be in the Support class. To add along is the want for the return of Odyssey or Two-Player modes on this. All I ask is that there needs to be something more added to the list rather than the lonesome solo and Races (competition, don’t enjoy it as much as cooperation). Or make something new and exciting. Conclusion, love the game still as a day one buyer but would enjoy to see some things return and some new things added.

App 隐私

开发者“Ninja Kiwi”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策



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