Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile Ratings and Reviews

4.6 out of 5
224.6K Ratings

224.6K Ratings

hdsgif DD hhgfghgdg ,

Has potential

This game could be great but there are too many issues. The game runs horribly and you cant even turn the graphics settings down more on your device because it locks you out of them. Has extremely high ping while on any other games i get around 10 normal on my phone. Almost unplayable against others unless you have a controller because almost everyone you run into has one connected and will be able to have better aim, movement, and just all around easier controls. Would be nice to be able to not get matched up against controller players while playing without one. Warzone modes are almost impossible to win with all of these issues and even multiplayer too. This game was not ready to be released. It needed to be more optimized, have more settings, and have a way of playing at a level and fair playing field. If these issues had been solved and fixed before the game was released this could have been one of if not the best mobile fps games ever.

zach03 ,

Good start with room to improve

I’m playing on a 14 pro max. High graphics settings Favoring battery Locked 60fps …what I’m actually getting? 🤷‍♂️ Objectively: Its basically a lite version of wz 2.0 on wz 1 maps. It still has sbmm. Its better on controller. The Good: It’s free! The lobbies aren’t filled with bots and 3 real players like codm. The matches are made to go by pretty quick compared to its console/pc counterpart. The Bad: In one word: pacing …. Let me explain ⬇️ If you are in a building and the gas comes you can safely assume you are already dead. Because you can not see anything except RED. controller support isn’t great in regards to being able to customize stuff like dead zones and changing tap/hold to interact. (It slows you down having to hold x or square to grab a gun. AND when there’s a dude right there wanting to shoot you, this is bad.) The load out drops don’t come until the game is basically over, AND it’s a TEN MINUTE rebirth match. GIVE ME MY GUNS SO I CAN USE THEM PLEASE. Side note: why does the load out cost 20k? No one uses comms, right? so you basically have to hope the load out doesn’t come down in some really messed up spot. And then 30 seconds later you hear “no more second chances” WHY? Why is this pacing so bad? I just want this game to succeed. Not trying to be negative but I have been playing warzone since 2019. I think I speak from SOME perspective of experience.

Mew 酱 ,

It’s not worth you to play now, they don’t care about your experience

I find it challenging to review this game objectively at the moment. I understand this is the first time the game, originally designed for PC, has been adapted for mobile platforms, and the developers might not have extensive experience with mobile games. However, I'm puzzled as to why optimization efforts haven't continued to make the game at least playable. I'm not expecting the game to run perfectly on low-end devices, as I understand the limitations and the unnecessary effort that might require. Yet, I'm using an iPad with an M1 chip, and it's disappointing that the game still cannot run smoothly at 60fps, even on the lowest quality settings.

I've been playing this game since it was pre-released in Australia about six months ago. Back then, I encountered numerous bugs and glitches. I assumed these issues would be resolved before the global launch, given that early access periods are often used to identify and fix such problems. Unfortunately, the game remains plagued by bugs that severely hinder the gameplay experience. For instance, I couldn't pick up my air package because the button disappeared. Attempting to resolve this by switching to another original HUD setting only led to the fire button vanishing as well. Frustrated, I decided to shut the game off and leave this review. I'm deeply disappointed.

Kensey M ,

I feel like I’ve been robbed of my own account

So I haven’t played Warzone in a couple of days and all of a sudden I go to get online and usually it automatically logs me in but for some reason it doesn’t log into my account. It puts me on a whole new account after I put in all that work and bought things just for my account to be gone?! So is this your way of stealing money is by making people think that their account is gone or actually making their account disappear?! I am deleting this game. I’m done with it. The last thing that I was expecting was to lose my own account/the things I BOUGHT and there was no reason either. It literally just logged me into a brand new account that made me go through the training thing all over again, which is unbelievable. i’m a TikTok content creator and I posted a lot of Warzone mobile content, but I really appreciate you guys ruining it for me. I want a refund as well you guys owe me that much. And I can name off everything that I purchased. I bought the battle pass for the first season when the game came out along with the black cell pass. I also bought the Dune bundle. The cyber cat bundle and well over $100 in cod points. And I also did 6 draws for the Legendary Herja Keep Draw. So either fix the issue that I’m having or give me my money back.

4ureyezonly907 ,

Laggy connections in matches

I use backbone to play on the mobile which is great to play & to have just like to play on console. My issue is the matches this hasn’t improve in a very long time especially with internet server issues and for those who have fast connection still lag. Whenever I’m in the match there’s too much lag that’s happening during the match especially when I shoot the enemies they get the upper hand than me. I’ve played multiple matches it’s the same pattern that’s creating I’m checking my internet connection it’s fast but yet when I face the opposing team I’m lagging hard. I understand that not everyone has the fastest internet connection there has to be an alternative solution to this kind of problem. I don’t think it’s fair that there’s one or two people who’s connection lags significantly will affect it the duration of the match. It’s a must solve issue to this kind of situation and can improve a lot better I hope the developers understand this. I love that COD Warzone is available on mobile nobody can afforded a console this is the best for everyone but there’s time to improve in this new software be on top of it now.


Would give it less if I could

Just for Starters global release usually means globally people will be able to log on and play the game with little issues. From my experience the graphics are terrible, extremely laggy, and now the game keeps telling me I’m not allowed to play because they only have supporting servers in Australia, Chile, Norway and Sweden. Also says I’m not allowed to run VPN as if I had a VPN active while playing the game which I have not.

As a collective it seems like I’m not the only one having some type of connection issue or just horrible servers. Community’s for Warzone mobile on Social Media is just full of people with complaints.

Also do not attempt to get in touch with Activision Support on Warzone Mobile it’s a waste of time since every option you select will direct you to Activisions main web page or just tell you a bunch of troubleshooting options you have already performed prior to even reaching out for support. So needless to say if you’ve got a problem with the game you’ll be treated like it’s solely a you problem instead of getting the support and help you need to be able to enjoy the game, or at the least knowing you have passed on valuable information to a representative that will get the problem to the correct people.

Corygamergo ,


So basically long story short: I’m signing up for activision at the website and everything is going going fine. But then I encountered a huge bug. The problem is that when I add my phone number to the personal info section, I get an error that says “please enter a Valid phone number.” I know I entered it correctly because I even went as far as to copy and paste the number. I did research and apparently this has been a bug that’s been happening for nearly 5 whole years which is honestly upsetting. And this isn’t even the start. I went back to the game trying find a way to reach costumer support only to find out that I got temporary banned which was dumb since I haven’t even played the game yet. I tried to find out why but then I’ve been told that I haven’t been banned yet when I try to login To my account the entire website just restarts and logs me out. I tried to write feedback to only receive and error was told “to try again later” so I did more research only to find out that there’s not a lot of options when it comes to getting in contact with activision support. How are you gonna rely on a website that doesn’t even work and don’t done reach out to your customers and players? It’s just frustrating.

JStee324 ,


I usually don’t do game reviews but for a franchise that i love i will because i want to see it succeed in the mobile realm. I’m on an iPhone 13 and i have to disable a lot of my phone features in order to somewhat enjoy a playable experience. Upon global release i had the min setting but couldn’t use it. This is even the case for when i have graphics set to mid. Loot pickup for weapons is very laggy and i usually don’t see a weapon until after 5 to 10 seconds. Sometimes i have to switch between invisible weapons to see them or to see my scope-in. I’ve been in battles where I’ve downed players that were still standing a few seconds afterwards. How many times was my parachute not deployable lol? The red gas is horrible as it makes it very hard to see through most of the time. I have very little issue playing cod mobile with graphics on ultra even while screen recording. Not a rant, I’m just an old potato giving honest feedback. Please become a mobile success for all devices!

Jersey3149 ,

this game is great and has LOADS OF POTENTIAL BUT…

it’s just too hard, personally, it was a lot better when it was in beta and I had to use a VPN to play, maybe the only reason it’s now is because a lot more players have hopped on since it became global now but on CO mobile I destroy things, I am literally a competitive monster on cod mobile, here tho i cant even win a single game and i just cant seem to understand why, I’m going to give it a couple more days to try and adjust to all of this, but I really don’t see myself keeping this on my phone long honestly, not only is the gameplay immensely hard, but you can clearly tell development wasn’t nearly as finished as everyone thought it was going to be, the devs could’ve easily pushed this back another six months to make sure everything was complete, but instead, most people are getting kicked out of lobbies or playing with absolute trash, graphics, and terrible controls, maybe somewhere in the near future I’ll be able to give this game another chance just to see where I stand with it, but then I’m going to continue to play call of duty mobile

Harleyd317 ,

Trash app

I was shook to see all the 5 star reviews when I sorted them by recent, however it’s clear most are fake reviews.
Let’s start with the actual app experience. In the surface it’s great. Better than great. But this is a classic example of the devil is in the details. Since the launch, they claim they have been working on issues where things don’t unlock when they should. Still not fully fixed. There’s also a significant number of games where you don’t even accumulate the xp you earned. It’s so annoying when you’re starting out with nothing, trying to unlock and upgrade, and your unlocks aren’t there, or the game doesn’t register your earnings.
Lastly, and worst of all is the rampant, overt, and epidemic of hacking is unmatched by any other game. I will never understand how a game developer makes it this easy, and does nothing to penalize or stop it. I thought codm was bad, but this takes the cake. Hackers aren’t even bothering with hiding the hacks anymore. Even if you don’t know what to look for, it won’t take long until you start to piece things together. There’s nothing you can do about it either. Often you have to just stop playing or you’ll end up in round after round with the same people.