CTSmall heat pump controller 17+

Flemming Veng

Designed for iPhone

    • 3.0 • 2 Ratings
    • Free

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Reduce Your Electrical Bill. Take the control over the temperature with CTSmall.

With CTSmall, you can control your heating pump remotely no matter wherever you are. You can, for example, turn on, off and change the temperature in your summer house with the app or SMS, without being there physically. CTSmall works with the majority of the heat pumps from leading manufacturers.
If you have the extension box, you can control two relay output's, maybe for your water heater, floor heat, or other.

Smart heat pump controller, with a lot of feathers. Arrived to a nice warm home. Also works as power guard, and provides alarm output. Possibility for controlling two relay's too. Possibility of 4 emergency numbers. CTSmall is a stable and smart product to your heat pump...
You must have a CTSmall controller from Climatech.dk.

There are two events in the CTSmall controller, so you can define some action on the extension box, or you heat pump.
The event system must be activated in the main setup screen before it will show up.

All features can be assigned from the app.

CTSmall support more then 35 heat pump brand.

More information at http://www.CTSmall.eu

What’s New

Version 1.2

Denne app er blevet opdateret af Apple, så den viser Apple Watch‑appsymbolet.

Bug fixed
New features:
Event system (only from CTSmall fw.:1.5.8).

Bug and Correction:
You can add as many profiles and CTSmall controllers you like.
The phone number can be changed after a profile is created.
The Brand can be changed after a profile is created.
More help text to some input field.
The last used Heat, Cool, and Temperature is saved to the active profile.
GUI correction.
Code clean up and Bug fix.

Ratings and Reviews

3.0 out of 5
2 Ratings

2 Ratings

App Privacy

The developer, Flemming Veng, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple.

No Details Provided

The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.

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