Extension of my brain, except now I’m missing Tasks
I have been a long time user of Evernote. I was a hesitant, random user initially. After investing some time to learn a little more about it, my use has grown. It now houses a lot of my information, and I can usually find what I need quickly. I’ve been really pleased with the nearly seamless updates across multiple platforms that has occurred recently. One challenge that I’m facing with the new mobile interface is that tasks are no longer highlighted on the opening page. When we had the previous Home page, you could very quickly see tasks that were due or overdue. Now that is gone. Therefore, when I have a task that is due, I often miss it. Unless I happen to catch the reminder notification that pops up on my phone or watch, I have missed things pretty frequently with this new mobile interface update. I would love to see the Task icon on the new Create space to have some sort of indication that you have a task overdue. Maybe it is bolded, maybe there is a number indicating the amount of tasks overdue. I’m open to anything that will help me remember to do the tasks that I’ve created! Please, please consider something to remedy this. Otherwise, using Evernote’s Task feature is almost useless. I will keep a lookout for updates!