Fiery Feeds: RSS Reader 17+


Lukas Burgstaller

    • 4.5 • 54 个评分
    • 免费
    • 提供 App 内购买项目


Fiery Feeds 是一款强大且高度可定制的订阅阅读器和稍后阅读客户端,可与大多数服务同步。

- 智能视图 -
热点链接 - 找到文章中最常链接的网站
低频和高频 - 文件夹显示很少或特别频繁发布的源文章
长短文章 - 按长度过滤文章
必读 - 特别突出最重要的源的文件夹
最新 - 显示今天发布的文章

- 文章提取 -
Fiery Feeds 可以自动提取完整文章文本,或显示网页而非截断的文章文本。选择的模式会被源记住,完整文本可离线下载。

- 桌面小组件 -

- 智能搜索 -

- Safari 扩展 -
可直接在 Safari 中订阅新源和保存链接稍后阅读,包括的扩展。

- 可定制 -

- 自定义 URL 分享 -
支持使用 URL 方案分享至其他应用和网站,可自己创建或从动作目录安装,自定义电子邮件模板。

- 源管理 -

- VoiceOver -
所有功能均可通过 VoiceOver 访问。

- 更多功能 -
高度可定制 - 几乎每个方面都可定制。配色主题、字体、文字大小。如果你想要轻松的阅读环境、仅浏览标题或介于两者之间的任何东西,Fiery Feeds 都能满足需求。
水平文章滑动 - 可水平滑动到下一篇或上一篇文章,而不是垂直滑动。这样避免了为了下一篇而滚动完整篇(长)文章。
标记文章为已读 - 滚动时仅标记比某段时间更早的文章,或标记所有在特定文章上方或下方的文章为已读。
三栏视图 - 特别为较大的 iPad 设计。

- 支持的订阅账户 -
Feedly, Feedbin, Fever, NewsBlur, Tiny Tiny RSS, Inoreader, Bazqux, FreshRSS, The Old Reader, Nextcloud News, iCloud, 本地账户

- 支持的稍后阅读账户 -
Pinboard, Pocket, Instapaper, Wallabag, iCloud, 本地账户

- Fiery Feeds 高级版 -
Fiery Feeds 高级版自动续订付费订阅,除非在续订日期前至少24小时取消。购买确认时将从 iTunes 账户扣款。在当前周期结束前24小时内,你的账户将被扣款。可随时通过 iTunes 账户设置关闭自动续订来取消免费试用或订阅。必须在免费试用或订阅期结束前24小时内完成,以避免被扣款。取消将在当前订阅期的最后一天生效,并降级为免费服务。在购买高级订阅时,任何未使用的免费试用期部分将被取消。



版本 2.11.3

- 改进本地文本提取
- 现在使用FiveFilter的网站配置
- 针对YouTube和Vimeo网址的特殊处理
- 更换本地和iCloud稍后阅读账户的文本提取
- 更换热点链接的文本提取

- 增加“任意文本”可搜索属性
- 修复预选值留存问题
- 修复比较选择在属性变化时不更新的问题
- “最近”比较现在称为“之内”
- 增加“之外”比较
- 修复规则过多的布局问题
- 修复新搜索视图中的关闭按钮

- 修复同步时订阅源列表过度更新的问题
- 从文章标题上下文菜单中移除无用标签


4.5(满分 5 分)
54 个评分

54 个评分


Almost perfect!

Update- Thank u for the response. I used the ID, as you had suggested. I am able to use the app on both devices now.
Love your app, and all your updates!
More navigation would be nice, there are so many options!!!

Is there a way to load all feeds from certain RSS’s? It’s an option in Feedly. Not sure about FF.
Thanks again.

Love the app on my iPhone. I have the PREMIUM subscription...however, it is not working on my iPad. Keep getting prompts to purchase again! Family sharing is NOT WORKING for this app.
After few emails, the developer replied, I need to subscribe, restore or reinstall. I have tried all of these, w/no success. And, this was noted in my email, I have a current paid, subscription.
*Replied via email to developer, it’s not the same Apple ID, it is part of my family sharing. Again, this is the ONLY app I have this problem with.
Happy to update my review, when resolved. Waiting for response from developer...thank u


Please check your emails, since you don't seem to be receiving my responses.

Family sharing only works for purchased apps, and not for in app purchases or subscriptions, in any app. You need to login with the Apple ID with which you've purchased the subscription, and then restore it in the app. You should be able to switch back to your other Apple ID after restoring, until you renew the subscription.


Elegant rss reader

This RSS reader is by far the cleanest and most straightforward one I've used, highly efficient. However, since my phone's default language is Chinese, the app presented a Chinese interface initially. This surprised and delighted me, given that many RSS readers I've tried before do not offer a Chinese version. However, I found some of the translations in the Chinese interface quite amusing. They seemed machine-translated and presented some charming errors. For instance, "save," which should mean to save settings, was directly and somewhat clumsily translated into the equivalent of "rescue." At first, I didn't quite grasp its meaning, but after switching back to the English interface, everything became much clearer. I want to thank you once again for offering such a wonderful app, and the cost-to-value ratio is excellent. I will continue to use your app. Regardless, the mere provision of a Chinese interface shows a lot of thoughtfulness and sincerity.


Great features and format, but some big bugs too

Revised review: after many months of use, this has become my favorite feed app. BUT one very annoying issue keeps it at the 3-star level for me. I subscribe to quite a few feeds, and I tend to check them only once, at the end of the day. But FF can’t handle that. After a certain number of articles, I have to “pull up” for more - and then, inevitably, the app will crash with the next article I click on to open. There’s just no way for me to see the articles from early in the day. I have to use another app. It’s a real flaw and really interferes with my use of the app. The other huge problem is that FF doesn’t remember my place if I exit and then come back later. The only solution I’ve found to this is to turn off automatic syncing. But I shouldn’t have to do this. These are sloppy bugs in a paid app. Still, I haven’t found a reader I prefer in terms of layout and features, so I continue using FF.


Sorry to hear that.

Can you send me an email from within the app (settings > feedback) with any other details you can think of about the crash and I‘ll have a look!

App 隐私

开发者“Lukas Burgstaller”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策



  • 购买项目
  • 使用数据
  • 诊断



  • 家人共享

    启用“家人共享”后,你即可与家庭群组中的成员共享部分 App 内购买项目(包括订阅项目)。


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