Full Code Medical Simulation Ratings and Reviews

4.8 out of 5
4.7K Ratings

4.7K Ratings

Lazy Puggle ,

Best Game/ Educational tool I have ever had

I’m obsessed with learning anything and everything I can about medicine. I would love to work in the medical field and this is helping to show me how the actual dream job really is, what standards they have, and gives me the biggest dopamine rush when I get at least 80%. I never went to even high school, so it rocks that I’m so great with medicine. I mean, 80 %, I’m 28, kept locked in in school suspension my entire childhood and just sometimes really think it’s awesome I can jump into these things and pick them up so easy.
My fiancé had Fourniers Gangrene and when they went to show me how I would be packing her wounds, I blew their socks right off. First try. I hope using this app it could prepare me for some job that feeds my passion. 80% Doesn’t seem much but Considering I’ve never even been past grade 9… gives me hope.

jack981708 ,

Good practice for professionals

Have gone through about 12 cases so far. I was expecting all of them to be “worst case scenario” situations but was surprised at how varied the cases are. From a ER nurses point of view it’s a fresh way to flex your knowledge and think beyond your scope. You have to assess the patient, consider appropriate lab work, imaging, and choose the right interventions, and of course reassess. A diagnosis must be made for every patient with a decision to admit to the appropriate floor or discharge with or without outpatient follow-up. Vital signs are real-time, and you have to really think on your feet for the critical scenarios to get the patient stabilized. Every case has a full discussion at the end which details exactly what should have been done. All-in-all I think it is a valuable tool, and rather enjoyable!

PhillyDubbaU ,

Great sim - but here’s a suggestion

This sim is a fantastic tool for current providers, providers in training, and even people interested in medicine. My only suggestion would be adding an ambulance setting for prehospital cases. It would be very beneficial to current EMTs and paramedics - as well as those in class - being able to use it on shift or at home to keep up with their knowledge in a setting familiar to them. This is the first time I’ve ever suggested something on the App Store, so I want to back this up by saying that I know implementing a feature like this can be expensive in time, skill, and money. But I could see a good chance that you will get back whatever you put into it.

Ftre1234 ,

Most Enriching AND Entertaining Game Ever!

I came into this with no medical knowledge whatsoever, save what knowledge (shaky and unreliable) I gained from Grey’s Anatomy (please don’t kill me!) I cannot attest to this app from a medical professional’s standpoint, but from a citizen’s standpoint I find this app to be stellar. It allows me to pick up little things here and there, like what medicine to give for an opioid overdose and where patients need to be sent. I cannot stress enough how challenging this is for my untrained self, nor can I describe perfectly the feeling I get when I gain more knowledge from this teaching format. Rest assured, however, that it is a hugely great one! :-)

liv_11234 ,

Great app but a few problems

First of all, this app is AMAZING! It’s real and it has so many different things you can do! This app has NO ADDS AT ALL which is great as well.
BUT i think you should be able play more scenarios because if you don’t pay, you can only play 4 at the moment. I also think the price should be lowered a bit or something like that. It’s not a bad price ($4 a month) if you got every case and you could use everything, but if you have to pay more than that for every case, then that’s not really worth it.
All in all, this app is great, but the pricing and the amount of free cases there are should be changed.

LGnursing ,

Great game to learn and practice medical knowledge

I am currently getting my masters in nursing. This game is a great way to increase medical knowledge and practice applying that knowledge in a no-risk environment. I upgraded to the paid version and appreciate the wide variety of cases and learning breakdown after each case. I gave it 4 rather than 5 stars as I never seem to be able to see some testing results after I am notified they have “come back” after processing (e.g. blood culture results). This limits what I can do in those cases. I am not sure if it is a bug or I am not clicking somewhere I should, but how to access those results could be clearer.

Vonnegutchild ,

A Med Student’s Dream!

Nearly a decade ago, I played this like a game on my phone, completely unaware I would ever go into medicine.

All this time later, it’s such a great tool to mix up my learning in my pre-clinical years (and prep me for rotations and beyond)! It’s engaging, the simulations have gotten way more realistic over the years, and case materials are thorough and thought-provoking. This represents a great opportunity as a safe, fun way to let us med students practice what it’s like to be a resident in various fields, seeing cases and doing diagnostic and intervention work.

Arauz225 ,

No Prehospital care at all but great app

A little pricey subscription but it’s worth it to just give it at least a try. The cases are good too and there’s a lot to learn. I wish it were possible to re-examine pt or to see a vital trends after notable interventions. The few times it allows you to re-examine this is after intubation to reassess lung sounds and also it allows to rerunning labs. The patient doesn’t also decompensate over time. If time could be a factor that you can switch on or off in the app that would be impressive as this is an emergency medicine app. Worth the money I think and very time consuming. Too easy to get drawn in to the whole case.

Fun cool and awesome fff ,

All Around Great App!

I absolutely love this app! It’s easy to use and up-to date with new medical treatments and problems. The animations are modern and real looking. All around the developers really nailed it. I just wish they would update it and add more cases more often. Especially Pediatric cases. I just keep going over and over the same cases and no new ones are being added :( . If they just updated it more often, this app would be superb!
Thanks for making such an intuitive and well thought out app!

Bobbi3229emmi ,

Really fun and educational game

I am a pre Med student and this game has helped me significantly learn different diagnoses and get an idea on the process of examining, diagnosing, and treating a patient. I especially love that it includes pediatrics many games do not include pediatrics and the challenges that come along with kids. The only thing that I wish this game had was more adolescent cases like 11-17 age range with more serious events like cardiac arrest and sepsis. The game seems to jump from 7 years old to 18 but overall I really love this game and recommend it to anyone interested in medicine.