Here Be Dragons 9+

Marek Panczyk

    • 3.8 • 4개의 평가
    • US$4.99


Here Be Dragons is a satirical turn-based strategy game featuring unique "living map" graphics, where you lead a group of crazed captains and eradicate legendary monsters in order to allow Christopher Columbus the discovery of the New World.


Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492. In 10 weeks. With 100 men. With 3 ships. This is a LIE!

Firstly, someone had to defeat kraken and tritons. Someone had to vanquish the Leviathan. Someone had to banish all the ghost ships. The information about these deeds is missing from the archives, and you can’t find it in any great statesmen’s memoir. The knowledge of the “Avant Armada” was completely erased by some bloody officials.

The people who took part in the expeditions were not sane people. Maniacs, psychos and common crackpots were forced by royal orders to eradicate Evil in the uncharted seas. “Here Be Dragons” describes these events.


* Use original Dice Activation System to attack enemies, heal your crew, and upgrade the fleet.
* Collect and use Command Points to turn the tide of the encounter.
* Cross the seas with an ancient, living map, full of terrible creatures that want to devour you!
* Confront the most fierce beasts that ever lived: leviathans and krakens, predatory whales and lustful mermaids. Decimate tritons, awake Dagon, and then erase them from human memory.


* Meet an extraordinary company of weirdos, madmen and oddballs. Their vices and virtues fuel the journey.
* Experience clashes with bureaucratic machine. Don’t lose your mind when confronted by absurdities spewed by authorities and royal advisors.
* Sniff at pirates. Ignore the settlers. You are above them. You are a monster hunter traversing through the aqua incognita. Who cares if you are insane?

평가 및 리뷰

4개의 평가

4개의 평가

justagoodganer ,

So much fun, I just wish there was more.

This game is a blast with its strategic gameplay and its fun lore. I would definitely recommend buying it and trying it out, but I am disappointed that there isn’t anymore to the game such as mini games. I think this game would be so much more if it could have pvp battles or perhaps a way to grow the grow a town through piracy. Overall, a great game, but it is lacking in something more.

Horriblebadgame ,

Fun Game When It doesn’t Freeze

This game is a fun new take on strategic combat. There is just a critical flaw that exists that causes the game to freeze randomly when switching between turns. Unfortunately, this is not the kind of randomized bad luck that makes for a good challenge and it becomes increasingly frustrating when it occurs one turn away from beating a challenging level. If the developer fixes the random freezes that occur (review is done on ipad pro), then I would recommend this game to anyone that enjoys strategic combat with a bit of character (or ship) building.

Responding to Developer request for info. It has happened on various scenarios, 5 and 6, is where it really started getting frustrating. The freeze happens randomly when it switches between turn phases not from using any abilities, it just during the turn switch after hitting end turn.

개발자 답변 ,

Could you give more details about the freeze, please? Which scenario (number) did you play? Precisely if you can, what did you do straight before the issue (you use Undo button, some skill, or some environment effect). If we have more details we will fix it faster.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Johnnydontgo ,

Challenging but beatable!

I’m a big fan of turn based strategy games, and this one didn’t disappoint. I had to run through the tutorial levels again after a few levels because I didn’t understand the subtleties of salvos and how to keep initiative (hint- sometimes it’s better to not choose a die rather than lose initiative). I beat the game on “Fun” so now I’m playing again on “Challenge”. The dice throws are RNG so replayability is high. I’m glad I downloaded this one!

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Marek Panczyk 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

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