Huckleberry: Baby & Child Ratings and Reviews

4.9 out of 5
38.1K Ratings

38.1K Ratings

emmy2002us ,

So helpful…even as second time parents

This app has helped my husband and I so much. Our first baby was a dream sleeper from the start. She ate and slept on a very regular schedule and automatically adjusted as she went and around daycare. She definitely ruined us for our second. Our second baby has thrown us for a loop. She didn’t eat regularly and ended up having a milk protein allergy. She can’t have casein or whey. Luckily she doesn’t have a soy allergy and we switched to that. The app helped us track her feedings so we knew how much she was taking in and how frequently and what her stools were like and her symptoms. It also helped us narrow in her sleep issues and figure out when she needed a nap as she didn’t give off all the regular cues and constantly fought sleep. At 4 months we started sleep training and the app has been immensely helpful in getting her on a schedule.

There are only two things I wish were improved. I wish the live tracking had bottle feeding and not just nursing as an option. Second, I wish the activity had a custom option so I could add a button for track cranial band time. Our baby has Torticoils and is in PT but also needs a cranial band and we need to track wearing time u til we get up to 23 hours. As my husband and I rotate time while we work from home we need to be able to communicate without actually talking as we sometimes switch during meetings or nap time.

sunnysteph_o ,

Definitely a good app.

This app was recommended to me as a first time Mom with a cryptic pregnancy since I had no time to prepare for my baby, and it is incredibly useful to feel like I don’t have to remember everything when it comes to when I last changed his diaper or fed him, but I will say the one downside to this app, to no fault of its own, is that as a Mom whole is already struggling to balance so many things at once, I’ve found myself obsessing over when I forget to log something immediately or if the app doesn’t layout schedules properly. For an example, it will tell me in one tab how many feedings there have been for the day. In another where I can view the week schedule, it’ll break down my entries and for some reason it has separated one feeding session into two depending on how long our session was, making me think that from the other tab I have fed him more times that I actually have. It’s a bit confusing and I found myself trying to figure out why it has these weird quirks to the point that I looked down at my baby and took a big breath, realizing that it was really not the priority 😆 Once again, an excellent app when it comes to struggling to keep track of so much, but if you find yourself being prone to over stressing about everything, it would give you some peace of mind to try it but also see how you do without it. I’ve enjoyed more just listening to and learning from my baby and his habits naturally and creating my own habits off of his!

Developer Response ,

Hi there, Thank you for your positive review! We are so glad you are experiencing the magic of Huckleberry! We'd love to understand how we can improve and earn a better rating! Let us know at We will look forward to hearing from you!

AG 17 ,

My #1 recommendation to new parents. This will give you sleep.

I started using Huckleberry when my son was about 6 weeks old. It’s the best one I found for tracking things like food, diapers, sleep, etc., and I tried basically all of the free apps. But then when he hit 2 months and the app started giving me the suggestions for his wake and sleep windows...good god...our lives did a 180 in the best possible way. I’ve never utilized the premium features, only the free app. Within about two weeks of using it after her hit the age where it would make sleep time predictions (2 months), and sticking to the recommended wake windows, my son was sleeping through the night at about 9 or 10 weeks old, and since then he’s had two nights with one wakeup (he’s now 6.5 months). Was it the app? I think so. It seems to work like magic. I’m part of a mom group, and we all started using it. Every single person has had the same magical results. Give it about a week of logging everything and really stick to the suggestions and you’ll be amazed. Baby doesn’t seem tired but app says it’s nap time? Try taking baby to their sleep space and marvel at how they will fall asleep. It can read your baby’s mind and you won’t even care that it feels a little creepy and on-the-nose because your child will sleep. I love this app so much that I’ve put off writing my review because I wanted to make sure I conveyed how wonderful it is. I hope I have!

Ardannnn ,


I love the concept of the app. I’ve been using it for 3 weeks now and it was reliable at first, but now there are lots of annoying errors in the display and accuracy of the data. Example: when I hit the option to see the weekly data graphed, it automatically opens up to previous months where there isn’t any data, or even to the year prior, requiring me to have to scroll right for however long until the current data appears. Another example: Typically when you select an option from the list (feeding, solids, pumping session, etc), it shows you how long it’s been since the last session. Since yesterday, when I select the feeding option to nurse, the time since the last session is completely off. I’ve tried closing the app and reopening, but it still happened. A session I finished 10 minutes ago would say 25 minutes or 47 minutes or something weirdly inaccurate. Overall, the app is helpful, but these issues docked a couple stars because though minor, they are incredibly frustrating when you’re using the app around the clock. Update: the app randomly will remove all of my nursing sessions and I have to reset the filter (toggle the feeding option on and off) to get them back to being visible. Just seems like this app is very glitchy.

JaniY22 ,

The app all moms need!

I cannot even begin to tell you how AMAZING this app is. I have a 10 month old who since 4 months old has had nights where he slept 8 & 9 hours 2 nights back to back only to be followed by 2 weeks of sleeping in 4 hour chunks. Lately, for the past 2 months he would usually wake up 1 time around 3, 4, or 5 am and then wake up for the day at 6 or 7 am. I was tired, exhausted and did NOT know what else to try. I had given up thinking I would finally have a baby that slept through the night and had myself given up on the fact that I would ever sleep 8 hours again. But then a friend recommended me Huckleberry, she said she was using it with her 10 month old baby and it was working wonders. Her baby was napping perfectly and she wasn’t having bad nights anymore. I thought I’d give it a try but I wasn’t too convinced since I had tried a lot of things before only to be disappointed. I’ve been using the app for 15 days now. He’s slept through the night 11 of those nights; the 4 nights he woke up we’re during the first week. I’ve also noticed a change in his naps for the better, he’s been napping for longer period of times. Before he would nap 45 minutes usually. Now he naps for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I HIGHLY recommend this app to all the moms who are having trouble with their babies/kids in the sleeping department.

Previous Droid User ,

Absolute lifesaver!!!

My partner and I found out my 5 month old cousin was in foster care a little over two months and decided to foster him. We are young and have no kids of our own, so this was a brave choice to say the least! The first several weeks were a blur of screaming, resisting sleep, spitting up, and refusing bottles. We were able to improve some of those issues simply with time and with a formula change, but I was just too tired to remember when he last ate or took a nap which made it very hard not to let him get too tired or hungry and grumpy. Especially since I didn’t really know how often he should be getting those things, and EVERYONE had something different to say. Then I thought “there must be an app for that”, and sure enough, I found huckleberry! Originally I was just looking for a place to track everything, but the sweet spot recommendations have changed EVERYTHING!! I didn’t follow them for awhile, thinking I’d try going on instinct, which was a mistake. As soon as I started using the recommended sleep times our baby napped like never before! He went from 20-40 minute cat naps to hour long, restful sleeps!! It’s also so helpful when I’m a zombie at 3am and can’t remember to save my life how long ago he ate. I cannot say enough good things about this app, especially for new parents!!!

Developer Response ,

Our hearts are so warmed by this story. We're so glad the Huckleberry has been able to help in such a small way, which pales in comparison to the big gesture that you've made by adopting. Please contact us at we'd love to see if we can help in any other ways. :hearts:

daftlyamazing ,

Total lifesaver!!!

Huckleberry has been a lifesaver as a new mom! I seriously have no idea what I would have done without it. I LOVE that they give you a free trial of the premium version and automatically stop it once it’s done. Such an integrity move - most companies make you end the subscription and charge you if you forget (which of course you’re gonna forget, you got a newborn for goodness sakes!). I don’t know what I would do without their free monthly sample sleep schedules. Baby sleep is constantly changing. As soon as you figure it out, they drop a nap or need their nap pushed back half an hour and, with everything else your baby is going through, it’s hard to figure out if it’s a sleep issue or they’re just teething or they’re sick or they’re going through a developmental leap or they’re just having a bad day. Huckleberry has provided guidance in one of the most important areas of parenting: sleep! And it’s life changing when your baby (and therefore you) can get some good sleep! I also have found it so helpful to track when baby poos and eats. The days tend to run together and it’s nice to let Huckleberry remember the last time my daughter fed/pooped with everything else on my plate. So grateful for this app!!!

Developer Response ,

Hi there, thank you so much for your review! We are happy to join you on your parenting journey and are so glad to hear you are experiencing the magic of tracking with Huckleberry!

mcollettej ,

App is not saving every entry

I’ve been using this app since the day my baby was born and it has been really convenient because I like to track how long he nursed on each breast, when he ate and how much, and I can keep track of diaper changes etc. I LOVE that the app tells you how long it’s been since the feeding or diaper change etc based off of the last entry in the app. HOWEVER, now when I make a new entry (I know for a fact that I save it..especially because I’ve been making a mental note to make sure that I am, and I can physically see that is IS indeed saved) but I’ll look at the app at a later time and it says my baby was last fed 8 hours ago (for example) but I know I’ve entered a few feedings within the app since that 8 hour mark. The app is not saving all of my entries (it saves most..and even SAYS it saves them but later when I go to check..they've disappeared) - this is frustrating because I rely on this for peace of mind when I know it’s been around 2-3 hours and it’s coming close to the time for me to wake my baby and feed him..but I look in the app and the “time sense last feed” is not accurate. I also use this to let our pediatrician know how many diaper changes etc he has. The app itself is very convenient and I love it..Just the past few days it has not been saving every entry. Maybe it’s a bug but hoping it’s resolved soon

ashleyrespecki ,

Great tool, nice interface, horrible lag

Second-time mom here that used her trusty notes app to track all this good stuff for baby number 1. I couldn’t stand all the interfaces of the tracking apps I found a few years ago, so notes it was! Huckleberry gets major accolades from me on design and user interface. The data analysis is also something I clearly wasn’t doing from my notes app before! Ha! Really, really helpful and can’t wait to see the sweetspot sleep features in action as babe gets older.

I did upgrade for a month purely so I could test out the home screen widget for quick access since I have been using it incessantly with a newborn—so far, worth it. I can see time since last sleep and feeding and start or stop a session right when I unlock my phone. There are tons of options for the home screen widget too if you prefer a different combo of info etc.

My complaint: the app is sooo slow. The delay to load the app when I select from the home screen is rough, and worse is when I select any action in app—holy lag! At first I was tapping actions again thinking it didn’t register and then it was getting wonky because it would move ahead and click to something else. So frustrating. It’s the one thing that is making me question continuing the upgraded version…

Lyndeezle ,

Love it at first but…

So far I like it because it help keep track with timing and for a mother who still has prego brain you can’t remember everything. But recently I notice I would document the feeding time and it doesn’t save or go through unless I close the app and refresh multiple of time which can be annoying. So hopefully someone can fix the problem soon! Other than that I would’ve given 5 star. Update: used to like this app but not anymore. App is still not working properly. It’s been already two month and no improvement. At first I thought it could be my old phone since I had lack of storage space so I couldn’t do any updates but now with a new phone it still doesn’t work well so I know it’s the app itself. Every time I try to log in my breast feeding time, the start time would reset which is quite bothersome because then I forget when I started because I was relying on the app. So now I don’t even bother using that feature. Also every input I do I have to double check bc it occasionally would not log in depending it’s mood 😒 I still have to close the app and open the app multiple time for it to “work”… so they need to fix this or else it’s a waste of money. Probably better off trying another app.

Update: with the new update…. Still doesn’t work properly, took 4 tries before I gave up and rely on my memory

Developer Response ,

Hi Lyndeezle, we're so sorry to hear about your experience. We would love to better understand why you have to perform multiple refreshes for the app to work and why the timer isn't working, please email us at We'll look forward to reviewing your email! We'd love to ensure you are having a great experience with Huckleberry!