iNaturalist 4+

Connect with Nature


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- 识别建议: 拍摄或导入照片,查看前10个视觉上最相似的物种匹配,并点击获取更多信息。您甚至可以在创建账户之前查看这些建议。
- 社区反馈: 创建账户,分享您的观察结果,并就您所看到的展开对话。无法识别生物?从 "植物 "或 "真菌 "等宽泛的标识开始,这样其他更专业的人就可以找到它并完善标识。
- 记录所有生物: 通过发布到iNaturalist建立您的生活清单。你在哪里、什么时间、看到了什么,这些都是你建立观察记录的基础。
- 以科学为基础: 每一个标识都与生命树相关联,这意味着您可以搜索像 "蕨类植物 "或 "真菌 "这样的广义分类,也可以搜索像 "座头鲸 "这样的物种级标识(以及介于两者之间的所有标识)。
- 促进科学和保护: iNaturalist社区创建和识别的数百万观测数据与全球生物多样性信息基金共享,通过开放数据和开放科学,这些数据被用于促进对生物多样性的科学理解。
- 促进公民科学和社区科学: 加入iNaturalist上全球数以万计的项目,引起人们对特定物种或地方的关注并收集相关数据。
- 非营利组织: iNaturalist是美国501(c)3非营利组织。在许多组织和个人的慷慨支持下,iNaturalist对任何人都是免费使用的。感谢您的支持!
- 没有隐藏费用: 这个应用程序是真正免费的,因为我们相信大自然是属于每一个人的。
- 最适合野生动植物 iNaturalist社区在识别野生动植物方面比那些在花园或园艺方面的人更在行。到户外去寻找野生动植物吧!
- 控制您的位置如何被共享: 将隐私设置为模糊(只共享一般位置)或私人(完全不共享位置,但其他人更难帮助识别)。有可能受到干扰的物种的位置会被自动遮挡。
- 不仅仅是一个移动应用程序:iNaturalist拥有更广泛的学习和探索功能和工具。在inaturalist.org上获得完整的体验!
- 全球网络:iNaturalist在全球各个国家都有使用!在许多国家,我们与当地的组织有正式的协议来推广iNaturalist。您可以使用这个应用程式向所有iNaturalist网络网站投稿,包括Naturalista (墨西哥及哥伦比亚), iNaturalist.NZ (纽西兰), (加拿大), Biodiversity4All (葡萄牙), iNaturalistAU (澳洲), iNaturalistPa (巴拿马), iNaturalistEc (厄瓜多尔), ArgentiNat (阿根廷), iNaturalistil (以色列), 及 iNaturalistFi (芬兰)。


版本 3.3.5



4.6(满分 5 分)
4,329 个评分

4,329 个评分

Luke van der Colff

An amazing app all around for identifying species.

I’m just a 20 year old that wants to know what every creatures purpose is around me and this has been the most fun way to do it. There are no ads, you upload a picture of the animal of reasonable quality, it helps if there’s multiple pictures and you describe what you saw in the description area. You put your location, which can be moved around so that your location isn’t known. It’s important to note that the location is key in determining a species sometimes so be decently accurate on the location. Once you’ve done that, AI, that’s right, artificial intelligence studies the pictures and compares them to other picture alike and species in the area to often give you a suggestion that’s correct or another 10 suggestions below of which I usually find the species I’m looking for if it’s not too obscure. I’ve also contributed to the knowledge of where some species are which feels great. My only complaint is there’s no place to provide feedback but here and the upload speed is reasonably slow. But this is a wonderful app that I recommend for any biologist. Yes, you can submit species under the microscope, too!!!! Thank you California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society for helping create this app!!!

Adam Nicke

Love the app maybe make it more like a social network of naturalists?

I really love this app and use it pretty much daily since I’ve downloaded it. It’s great to have with you to quickly identify a species using the picture instead of having to go and google the characteristics of what you saw and hope it knows what you mean. I would like to see them update it with a section where you can go to a person’s profile and see all of their observations in one place like the way you view a project and all of its observations. Perhaps even add an option to follow a particular person and then see all the observations of people you follow in a feed. You can do kinda already do this but you have to search for the person and then be confined to whatever given map area you have on your screen. I think it would be better to have all of them on one page because sometimes I come across an observer whose observations I like (camera quality, focus on a specific species, or just like their observations) and I want to see all of them. Also, they should add a place where you can view all of the observations you’ve added to your favorites.


It’s amazing and it could be more amazing

I love inat. I use it all the time. The taxonomy suggestions are almost always on point. I use it to explore areas I already am familiar with too to learn about the things living around me I’ve never heard of. Even the projects and guides are cool, because I can see which species in a group are most commonly encountered based on how many times they’ve been observed compared to others. The range maps you get for species etc are dynamic.

BUT, the social component to me is abysmal. “Leaderboard?” No one cares. It’s a meaningless statistic. I’d like to be able to see who is observing similar things to me in an area. Who is consistently identifying a specific phylum or genus? (Not me lol). They should be acknowledged as someone with some knowledge in that area. I know inat has powerful algorithms capable of identifying species based on photos - use some of those algorithms to connect peoples’ observational powers and curiosity. Sometimes I observe something that scientist haven’t completely determined what subspecies lives in my specific area- why can’t scientists send out questions for people to find out? Don’t know the southernmost extent of a plant? Ask people who have observed it before and live in the area to look for it.

This is a powerful app for taking citizen science to the next level. I’d love to see what they can do.

App 隐私

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