Tech Support?
Most Recent Update: 24 Jan 2018
There are a lot of opportunities to acquire summaries of fiction and non-fiction audiobooks and I’ve tried a good many of the vendors.
They are (IMHO) generally fairly similar, varying only: in their library - in this case better than most; in the utility of the software - easy to use; and in their concerns of the user base - unsurpassed.
The old saw “You get what you pay for” is in this instance an undervaluation... here I’ve gotten more than I expected. I’ve changed my evaluation to 5 stars.
I initially posted a one star review because I got stuck in a loop and couldn’t access my account. The owner reached out to me and we figured out where the problem(s) started. As is the case with the majority of single engine aircraft accidents, pilot error is the first place to look.
I suggested to them to make a couple of changes on their WEBsite to prevent a similar situation.
Having used just one item from their catalog - successfully - I will change my review to three (3) stars. I will update the review at the end of my trial. Stay tuned. 😊
They have none. Uninstalled. Bye-bye, we gone. Signed: a VERY satisfied long-time Blinkist subscriber.
Developer Response ,
Hi, Sorry to hear about your poor experience. Please email with your concerns. He is the founder and he would be happy to chat with you.