Lakewood Daf Yomi 4+

Yechezkel Eider

Разработано для iPad

    • 4,9 • Оценок: 2,1 тыс.
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Access an energy infused Daf Yomi Shuir with engaging commentaries and Halacha Lamaseh - wherever you are.

With a flavor of lumdos as well as general yedios from sifrei halacha, machshava, hashkafa and the exclusive #TheRestOfTheStory, related to the sugya. Making it a much sought after shiur for both kollel yungerleit and bala batim alike.

The Lakewood Daf Yomi official app allows you free to access audio recordings of the live daily shiur delivered in Lakewood NJ, as well as other daily and weekly shiurim given by a variety of lecturers.

Listen to shiurim on your phone on the road, or download shiurim in the app for offline listening.

The Lakewood Daf Yomi shiur given by Sruly Bornstein and guest maagidei shiurim.
See more at:

- Bookmark shiurim to listen later.
- Download shiurim to listen when you’re offline.
- Search shiur, tags,themes, or related shiurim.
- Sort by recent, popular.
- Custom playlist - tailored to your time frame.
- Audio Player: Main and mini player.
- Smart Play/Pause features.
- Image of daf to learn inside.
- Share favorites with your friends.
- Surprise Me: (Can’t say. . .)

- Progress Indication.
- Completion status of specific shiur.

Что нового

Версия 1.15.3

Change for Today's Daf

Оценки и отзывы

4,9 из 5
Оценок: 2,1 тыс.

Оценок: 2,1 тыс.

Dr Pinny ,

Great resource

I started looking for a shiur to listen to while in the car a while back when learning Kesubos. I stumbled upon this app and really enjoyed the shiur infused with wonderful insights. I did this for Megillah also. Never had a thought at the time to learn Daf Yomi. Something about the enthusiasm of this particular shiur was so enjoyable and drawing me in. I was finishing a mesechta just as the cycle was starting Menachos and then decided to join the Daf yomi. So I started and BH have been going strong with this shiur since Menachos. I now also got my father-in-law to join and he is also doing Daf yomi for the first time, he joined with Bechoros. My wife always comments how beautiful it is to hear me discussing the Daf and shiur with her father every day.
Really appreciate all that goes into this. Tremendous zchus and many brachos to all involved and to Klal yisroel.

Mickmeist2 ,

Very well done

The fantastic, insightful, clear, and high energy shiur itself doesn't need my haskama, given that thousands of people listen to it (and the reid bites are also fantastic.) But i did want to give a shout out to the app itself which is very well done. You can follow along the daf which is highlighted as it goes, you can download, the reid bite mareh mekomos/notes are slowly getting up there, there are links to related reid bites, you can search reid bites by topic (useful if you need to say a dvar torah or a speech). You can listen at faster speed (recommend shiur at 1.5x and reid bite at 1.75x or even 2x, sorry for ly impatience reb sruly ). You can also skip to any point on the daf by pressing on the place in the daf while you are viewing. Really well done and kudos to all involved.

Fat Albert Roker ,

One of the top two serious Daf shiurim.

I do the daf personally in the morning late afternoon I do a chazarah, utilizing ArtScroll at times Shteinsaltz, iyun hadaf sources and mekoros in ArtScroll sometimes Sefaria. I listen to make sure I got a good basic solid understanding. I have to listen to Reb Bornstein Shlitah at .75 his normal speed that’s just me. Sometimes if I’m cloudy I’ll listen to him prior. It’s a Gevaldik shiur. Reb Bornstein and his chaburah clearly spend a lot of time and I love the chizuk in some Reid bites as well as the lamdus especially if it’s on an inyan I needed a Reid on!
He clear has a very helpful historic grasp on the tanaim and Amoraim and is educated in Jewish history beyond “ArtScroll Jewish History”.
His ahavas Torah is too good to be a performance. Phenomenal delivery, you’ll have a solid bikius grasp, allowing you to go into other Rishonim with more ease if you have time.
To Reb Yisrael Tizku lmitzvos, you’re harbatzas Torah for you and your chaburah is a Chiyuv! You’re all keilim, and keep up the phenomenal Avodah.
I love his yeshivish Jargon it’s a Bumba Phenomenon!

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