Learn - What's New for Sierra 4+
Swanson Digital, LLC
- US$3.99
Get up to speed with the latest version of macOS quickly with this video training course on the new features in macOS Sierra!
-13 detailed tutorial videos showing you how to use all the new features in Sierra both big and small!
- We go through everything from the new optimize storage options and Siri for Mac to universal clipboard, collaboration in Notes and new features in the Photos App!
-If you are new to the Mac or want to get a better grasp on how to use macOS Sierra take a look at our Sierra Core Concepts Tutorial!
Course Outline...
1.Introduction/ Goodbye OS X
2. Optimize Storage
3. Reduce Clutter
4. Desktop & Documents in iCloud
5. Siri
6. App Tabs
7. Universal Clipboard
8. Photos: Intelligent Search
9. Photos: Memories
10. New Features in Messages
11. Collaborate in Notes
12. Picture in Picture
13. Sierra Tidbits
14. Wrap Up
The voice and guide behind this training App is Drew Swanson. Drew is a 20+ year Mac user and has been using Macs professionally in the graphic design and photography fields for over 15 years. Since 2007 Drew has been a member of The Apple Consultants Network, working in the Boise Idaho area to provide support and training to Mac users at their home and business. In 2009 Drew started TheMacU.com to provide video training courses to Mac & iOS users anywhere in the World.
**Get this and all TheMacU Tutorials for Mac & iOS for one low price on TheMacU.com!**
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- 판매자
- Swanson Digital, LLC
- 크기
- 174.9MB
- 카테고리
- 생산성
- 호환성
- Mac
- macOS 10.7 이상 필요
- 언어
- 연령 등급
- 4+
- 저작권
- © 2017 SwansonDigital,LLC
- 가격
- US$3.99
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