Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers ١٧+

Magzter Inc.

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Looking for the most popular magazines and newspapers from around the world? They’re all on Magzter, the world’s largest and most-loved digital newsstand.

* Get 7-Day FREE unlimited access to 9,000+ leading magazines and newspapers including Time, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Maxim, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, Popular Mechanics, T3, India Today, The Guardian, Daily Mirror and The Independent

* Voted the #1 digital reading destination by readers and top publishers from all over the world

At Magzter, we're changing the way you read magazines and newspapers. From automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion to lifestyle, news, sports, technology and travel, enjoy reading all your favorite magazines and newspapers across 40+ exciting categories on the Magzter app.

Why you'll love Magzter?

1. Enjoy reading your favorite magazines and newspapers anytime and anywhere on the go.

2. Access mobile-friendly premium stories curated from best-selling magazines and newspapers.

3. Download your favorite titles and read them later even when you're offline.

4. Bookmark your favorite pages to quickly access them later.

5. Discover and share exciting content on Magzter Connect, an exciting social community within the app.

6. Get FREE unlimited reading access at Magzter Smart Reading Zones®.

Top titles on Magzter

Automotive - Autocar, Car and Driver, Hot Rod, Road & Track, Top Gear

Business - Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes, Fortune, Inc.

Cooking - BBC Good Food UK, Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, Food Network Magazine, Taste of Home

Entertainment - Filmfare, OK!, TV Guide, Vanity Fair

Fashion - Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, Marie Claire, Vogue

Fitness - Men's Health, Runner’s World, Women’s Health, Yoga Magazine

Lifestyle - Esquire, GQ, Maxim, Girls’ Life

News - India Today, Newsweek, New York Magazine, Reader's Digest, The Atlantic, Time

Newspapers - Business Standard, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Hindustan Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Straits Times

Science & Technology - Macworld, PCWorld, Popular Mechanics, Stuff, T3, Wired

Sports - Bicycling, Cycling Plus UK, Golf Monthly, Mountain Biking UK

Travel - Business Traveller UK, Condé Nast Traveler, National Geographic Traveller (UK), Travel+Leisure

Magzter's premium unlimited reading subscription, Magzter GOLD, gives users unlimited access to 9,000+ magazines, newspapers and premium stories. You can get a 7-day free Magzter GOLD trial on the Magzter app.

What are you waiting for? Download the Magzter app now and fall in love with unlimited reading!

Magazine, Newspaper, and Magzter GOLD subscriptions are available for purchase inside the Magzter app. Please note that your subscription will automatically renew every month on your iTunes account until you cancel at least 24-hours before the end of the then current subscription period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours before the end of each subscription period at the rate of your selected plan. You can manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal anytime in your Account Settings.

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ما الجديد

الإصدار 8.53.3

Minor bug fixes and performance improvements.

التقييمات والمراجعات

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٥٫٥ ألف من التقييمات

EmpresaRose ،

I’m not sure if I want to keep subscribing

I am currently on a free trial of Magzter Gold and I like the UK magazines but what I don’t like is that they want to charge me for reading the American magazines which is crazy considering I live in the US. Also another thing I don’t like is that there are too many magazines that are of another language (different languages to be exact) and less of the English language magazines whether it’s UK or US version. Please change my mind and consider including the American magazines as part of your gold subscription? Otherwise I’ll just stick with Apple News + and purchase UK magazines a la carte.

استجابة المطور ،

Thank you for using a Magzter GOLD subscription and helping in the worldwide fight to save the environment and trees by going digital with your magazine reading. At present, Magzter GOLD gives you unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines and their back issues as well as premium articles which are mobile-friendly. We started off with about 2,000 magazines under our GOLD membership and have increased it to 5,000+ magazines. We continue to work with publishers across the globe to get them on board Magzter GOLD so that readers like yourself get to enjoy them all at the same price. Please email us at with the list of magazines that you are missing out on so that we can go back to those publishers and try and get them on board as soon as possible. Once again, we thank you for choosing Magzter GOLD and look forward to hearing from you via email so that we can get you the magazines you are looking for soon.

Apple3gs ،

Good but can be better

While the interface works well on iPhone and iPad, the web interface is little clunky. Barring these missing features, I think this is a great value:
* no sync across devices - I have an iPhone as well as an iPad and if I read a magazine on one device, the app on other device should continue from where I left off.
* favorites organization is severely lacking - I have many magazines as favorite and I can only see magazines in the order I added them. There should be some way to sort/group items
* there is no visible download queue and the downloads stop when the app is in the background. I usually like to download few magazines before I leave for a trip but have to keep waiting for the downloads to finish. There is no easy way to know if the downloads have finished so I have to remember the last magazine I put in the queue and see if it is done

استجابة المطور ،

Thank you for taking the time to send us your suggestions on our app. We’ve passed on your suggestions to the development team and we’ll try to implement these features in the upcoming app release. Please email us at if you have more suggestions or feedback, which will help us continuously improve our app. We look forward to having your continued support.

kidinacandystore415 ،


Advertises that they can give you 5,000 + magazines to read. The majority of them are useless. Most all credible magazines they list require you to buy a regular subscription to read. In some cases, the price you would pay through Magzter is more expensive than if you order directly from the publisher. What a scam. Been waiting 2 weeks to get back my promised payment.

UPDATE: See the developers boiler plate, lame response to my negative review. A marketing pitch but no answer to my complaints. After 10 emails over 2 weeks I still haven’t received my refund on the 7 day “trial” even though I cancelled the subscription the 2nd day. It’s a fraudulent scam and my credit card company is investigating. Run, don’t stop and buy this worthless piece of junk. The 2 founders are nothing but con artists and should be investigated for deceptive advertising and fraud. Apple needs to get their act together and remove losers apps like this from the store.

استجابة المطور ،

Thanks for reaching out and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We'd like to look into this and resolve your concern to your satisfaction. If you had subscribed from our website, please email us the invoice at and we shall take this up on priority and provide you a refund. However, if you had subscribed from our iOS app, please get in touch with the Apple Support Team for getting your refund as we don’t have any control over the payment system on the iOS app and it is handled by the Apple team. If you need any further assistance, please write to us at and we shall be happy to help you.


1 Month GOLD Subscription
1 Month GOLD Subscription
Read 8,000+ titles. Online, Personal Access.
تجربة مجانية

خصوصية التطبيق

أوضح المطور Magzter Inc.، أن ممارسات خصوصية التطبيق قد تتضمن معالجة البيانات على النحو الموضح أدناه. لمزيد من المعلومات، انظر %سياسة خصوصية المطور(ة) سياسة خصوصية المطور.

البيانات المستخدمة لتتبعك

يمكن استخدام البيانات التالية لتتبعك عبر التطبيقات والمواقع الإلكترونية المملوكة لشركات أخرى:

  • معلومات الاتصال

البيانات المرتبطة بك

قد يتم جمع البيانات التالية وربطها بهويتك:

  • المشتريات
  • الموقع
  • معلومات الاتصال
  • محتوى المستخدم
  • سجل تاريخ البحث
  • المعرفات
  • بيانات الاستخدام
  • التشخيص

البيانات غير المرتبطة بك

قد يتم جمع البيانات التالية على الرغم من عدم ربطها بهويتك:

  • التشخيص

قد تختلف ممارسات الخصوصية بناءً على الميزات التي تستخدمها أو حسب عمرك على سبيل المثال. معرفة المزيد


  • المشاركة العائلية

    قد تكون بعض عمليات الشراء داخل التطبيق، بما في ذلك الاشتراكات، قابلة للمشاركة مع مجموعة عائلتك عند تمكين "المشاركة العائلية".

المزيد من هذا المطور

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Zoo Weekly Thailand
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