MarginNote 3 17+

E-reader Redefine your Study

Beijing Yunsi Software Technology Co., Ltd

    • 4.7 • 4,948 个评分
    • 免费
    • 提供 App 内购买项目


MarginNote 3,全新上线电子阅读器,助力更高效书籍阅读和学习.
欢迎使用MarginNote,这是一款功能强大的阅读和学习工具软件,适用于Mac, iPad, iPhone。它将PDF/EPUB阅读器和多种学习工具集成起来,使得学习者可以在学习时从不同的维度将知识进行重组,连接,从而达到记住,领会的效果。



MarginNote 3新功能:
* 全新设计的UI,更加美观易用.
* 性能和流畅度大幅提升.
* 支持两种阅读模式:文档阅读模式和学习阅读模式.
* 摘录和笔记
* 增强的手写和Apple Pencil支持.
* 支持PDF上的文本框.
* 支持在添加笔记时在卡片界面上直接输入文字和手写.
* 支持对扫描PDF摘录时自动OCR转文字.
* 重点和填空
* 在PDF和大纲模式支持划重点模式,可以直接点选或划取z.
* 将笔记添加至卡片组时,支持将重点自动转换成填空.
* 支持创建图片遮挡模式的学习卡片.
* 多文档
* 支持通过标签页或分割视图在不同的文档间切换.
* 脑图
* 能够按照文档目录结构自动将新建摘录分组.
* 支持一种新的脑图分支显示模式:框架显示.
* 学习模式通过滑动或拖拽手势拉出大纲和文档窗口.
* 增强的剪切,粘贴功能,拖拽合并等功能.
* 大纲
* 搜索后可显示关键词
* 显示样式优化改进.
* 卡片组
* 查看学习卡在笔记所在的脑图上下文或文档上下文.
* 增强的Anki导出,样式改进,图片遮挡,填空模式.
* 增强的内置研究用web浏览器
* iCloud同步
* 修正了旧版本iCloud同步的问题
* 更加文档和优化的性能.
* 分类
* 支持在文档,学习,复习使用独立的分类组织.
* 回收站
* 从回收站恢复数据将使得数据更加安全.
* 试用
* 14天免费试用.

MarginNote 2.X的功能
- 支持PDF和EPUB,支持在页边显示原书的注解,链接

- 支持文本摘录和矩形摘录,可以非常快捷的把书剪成无数个小片放在笔记本里;
- 支持直接在书页上圈选或划线来摘录;
- 支持在页边直接批注,批注时笔记完全不会遮盖书的内容;
- 支持文字,语音,图片,手绘等多种批注形式;
- 支持对笔记加上Hashtag,方便笔记之间的连接;

- 支持大纲和思维导图两种工具在一个视图下显示和联动;
- 大纲模式支持左右滑动手势来快捷创建树形结构;
- 支持多选编辑,支持组合,合并,克隆等多种编辑操作;
- 支持按照颜色,标签,书多种条件组合来快速检索和筛选;

- 任何一条摘选和笔记都能自动变成学习卡来复习
- 间隔重复(Spaced Repetition)功能,采用类Anki的记忆算法;
- 随时翻到对应书的位置,查看原始资料;

iPad Pro & Apple pencil:
- 支持多任务分屏显示(Split View)
- 支持Apple pencil进行高精度的绘制;
- 针对Apple pencil做了精细的调整;
- 键盘快捷键支持;

- 从Evernote导入网页和笔记
- 导出学习卡到Anki;
- 导出大纲到OmniOutliner;
- 导出思维导图到iThoughts或MindManager;
- 导出成为Evernote笔记;
- 将所有页边笔记,思维导图,大纲和相关的PDF/EPUB导出成一个可打印个的PDF;
- 支持同步笔记和书到iCloud;




版本 3.7.30

再次提醒,MarginNote 4已经上线,有很多厉害的新功能。


4.7(满分 5 分)
4,948 个评分

4,948 个评分


A great app that could still get better

I’ve used 3 versions of MarginNote over the years, both on my iPads and Macs. A lot has changed, but a lot hasn’t. Each time a new version comes out, I wonder if I want to spend the money and research what else is out there. Maybe I find something interesting and try it, or maybe I don’t, but I always come back. There’s just nothing else that does what MN does.

A lot of the other reviews cover why I look elsewhere from time to time... the app can be inexplicably weird or counter-intuitive or just a little bit off sometimes. I can often get it to do what I need, but not without frustration. Often times, where it fails are in standard UX practices that almost every other app follows, but MN chooses to ignore those and do things its own way.

I’m not a student, so I’m not making flash cards or anything like that, but I do a lot of research. I really like the ability to add multiple documents to one project. I have one with at least a couple of dozen PDFs and epubs, not small ones either, and MN doesn’t complain. There are occasional sync issues, but I’ve gotten good at backing up and—knock on wood—haven’t lost anything yet. I think if you’re only using it one system, that won’t be a factor.


Thank you for your support and encouragement. To us, having ambitious goals and the means to reach them is truly inspiring. We are excited about all the opportunities we have, opportunities to make a difference in this great group. And now, it is up to us. We must make it happen.


The best out there

Ok, so this isn’t a perfect system but it’s incredibly useful. Navigation could use work when using the mindmap area. It’s still a little clunky and I only accidentally figured out if you hold the left click down it will turn into a hand and you can move it around. Would be great if there was a shortcut key (there may be?), but the developer deserves 5 stars for a stellarly useful and functional app. For the most part, it works wonderfully. I would love to incorporate OCR into the selection areas. There are a number of texts I’ve used that text selection doesn’t work (particularly titles) and I have to select it as an image, but then I can’t search for it later because it’s an image. I’ve resorted to just typing it out as a header, but then to create your own header and assign it to a section of a document isn’t simple (nor obvious how to do … I haven’t figured it out yet). But for it’s functionality it’s great and the developer keeps improving things. Finding the right video to watch for a tutorial is time consuming. Would recommend they improve that.


Thank you for your suggestion.


Expensive; not functional without multiple purchases; no customer support.

MarginNote app is one of the highest priced note-taking apps on the market, yet it restricts use to a single device. If you try to use it on a second device (as one does with these types of apps), it prompts you to pay another $50.
Despite the features it boasts, it is absolutely not worth purchasing because cannot utilize said features effectively on an iPad/tablet alone (not appropriate for making use of mapping and flashcards, uploading docs/PDFs, etc); nor can you use it effectively on laptop/desktop alone (no point to a reader interface with Apple Pencil there). The purchase should be synced, but it’s not. This should have been made transparent prior to purchase. I would not have started with MarginNote had I known it would require me to spend at least $100 to properly use. No other note taking apps I’ve used has required multiple purchases like this.

Additionally, I have contacted the developer multiple times about this issue to see if there was a chance I was missing something, and they have refused to respond. Given the fact that you are probably considering this app for work that is valuable to you, I would keep in mind that you could find yourself left with no technical support should something go wrong with it.


Hello, is it convenient for you to log on to our forum and describe in detail the situation you encountered? This will enable us to help you better.


按年订阅OCR Pro
按年订阅OCR Pro
按年订阅MarginNote 3 OCR Pro所包含的功能

App 内购买项目

解锁MarginNote 3完整功能(OCR Pro除外)

App 隐私

开发者“Beijing Yunsi Software Technology Co., Ltd”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策



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