Pixlr Photo Editor - Retouch التقييمات والمراجعات

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Ronald+Marlene ،

I love Pixler.....

I have created amazing images using Pixlr, so beautiful, that many people are now asking to purchase them. I would like to commend its developers for coming up with such a great App.
With just a few changes, it would be A+++++.
1. Stickers. OMG! Listen.....with such great aesthetics going on in the filters and the effects, why would you include stickers that look like they were made for kids, or adults who behave like kids??? They don’t AT ALL seem like they are even part of the App at all! It’s like they migrated in through the back door from a nearby sandbox! They are cartoons.
Please, please...give us some which match the sophistication of the App, that would elevate the look of the photo, rather than throwing Big Macs on it. A hint....design stickers which look like part of the art work, instead of fighting it— i.e., smudges, scrapes, liquids, nature— Impressionistic style....
2. You affixed a price to some of the better Effects. Fair enough. But often you need to try out several before you settle on the right look. How about you let the use experiment with a few and then charge him/her right before they save it? You’re tchies— you can figure this out.
3. Small Things— too many “droplet” shaped effects.....way too many in the rain-spattered pattern.
Other than these points, the App is very good...very. Keep up the good work, make my changes, and it will award winning!
Thank you and good luck.

MK4454 ،

To the Developers:

I’ve used the Pixlr editor online for several years and the app at least the last 4-5. It’s one of my favorites. Both are easy to navigate but I find the app much more lacking. I expected that to a certain degree, but as time went on and I saw others apps adding things (like the cloning tool, ability to layer, and ability to reshape) I started wondering why Pixlr hasn't been able to add those features as well. It's disappointing since this is the only app I pay for. It's gotten to the pt I can now achieve more on the free apps and it's not justifying the cost. That's not good from a consumer nor marketable standpoint.
The 'double exposure' function gets around some of it but often glitches, making a white background when the image itself has is a png/transparent - super annoying. Sometimes I can fix this with deleting and reinstalling and most of the time I cannot. Tried the BG remover offered as another work arnd, still happened when using in the main program.
I realize coding is complicated and sometimes debugging with new devs is a challenge but it's really hurting your product and the ability to market it with limited features at a premium. Please address this as I'd like to continue being a customer.

استجابة المطور ،

Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to Pixlr.
We noted your feedback and will inform our respective team for their future reference and review.
We appreciate your support.

chuckgamemaster ،

Great app, very buggy

First and foremost, I’ve used this app for years. It was my go-to editor on my phone because it has so much to offer. However, with the recent update I’m very annoyed. Every time I open the app, it asks me to allow access to my Bluetooth devices. It doesn’t need access to my Bluetooth devices, and at first it wasn’t too bad. However, the app was lagging when I was using it yesterday and it froze, so I had to manually close it. When I went to open it again, it was still frozen, so I went to manually close it again and the dang Bluetooth device access pop-up came up and I couldn’t click the home button to ignore it. I had to tap the “settings” option to get it to go away. After that was taken care of, I closed the app completely and proceeded to do some other things on my phone and the app, even though it was closed, was causing my phone to horribly lag. I can deal with some minor bugs here and there, but this is absolutely ridiculous and overwhelming when they happen all at once. I’ve had enough. Please fix this Bluetooth pop-up nonsense or get rid of it. Please deal with the lag stuff. I’m uninstalling and going elsewhere until this is taken care of. I used to love this app but now it’s only driving me nuts every time I use it.

Samanthakay1119 ،

New updates aren’t great!!!

Hi! I don’t know where else to put this. I use this app almost everyday for years. Your latest updates though are making it harder to use!!! Please change a couple things back. Like now I can’t see the # scale when I adjust the settings like contrast, saturation, warmth, etc. It makes it harder to gauge now that I’m having to guess. Also when I zoom in using the heal effect you can no longer see the point as you adjust the size. You have to zoom back out, adjust it, then zoom back in. It’s very frustrating. And when you’re editing overlays: if you erase a section then return to adjusting the overlay, it moves the overlay effect back to its original position automatically vs the position you just had it in while you were editing. The app seems to be running slower now too (but my other apps run normal, so it’s not my phone). Please change some of these settings back!!! I love this app so much and I’d hate to have to switch after all these years if improvements are making the daily use of the app worse not better.

استجابة المطور ،

Hi there, thank you for reaching out to Pixlr.
We believe it might be a bug between the mobile device and version
If you encounter an error or bug, kindly email to info@pixlr.com with the screenshot and your mobile details for us to investigate and advise further.
Hope to hear from you soon.

brgbck35mm ،

Used to be my ”go too”

I've been editing pictures since 2 1/4 Square film(to give you an idea of my background). I argued that photoshop was the only real option. Downloaded this year's ago and not long was I using it all the time. I recommended to dozens of friends, who then did the same. So impressed that I downloaded PC version. The ease and creativity along with the speed made it possible to edit, post, print and save in 3minutes or less. Then one horrible day Ads popped up. I understand banners and ads to be rewarded for the work put into it. I never bad an issue with the ads of the past. These new ads are horrible! And takes more time to watch than edit and post a picture. They are the most annoying ad on any of my apps! Never seen such a bold change all at once!
I loved the app so much I went to pay for it. Changed my mind. It's not the cost, it was the way they went about it. I will search for something Comparable and I'm sure they're out there...too bad the developers got greedy. No other way to describe it. By the way, I normally write glowing reviews more often than negative...I don't tend to be disgruntled, unless 100% warranted. Don't download and save yourself from being so frustrated.

KiraKawaiiKupcake ،

Save Bug

I love this app so much~ I really do! Whenever I’m feeling creative I always go to Pixlr to create wallpapers for my phone or just to make some pretty edits. However, the only problem I really have with it is that sometimes it doesn’t save my photo when I’m finished with it. I have a wallpaper I made in Pixlr that is completed, but no matter what I select in the “done” tab, the screen just goes black and exits me from the app. This has happened once before, and now it’s happened again. I wondered if it was maybe because I added too many filters or edited it too much, but that shouldn’t be a reason for it to crash on me. I would really appreciate it if this bug could be fixed to prevent it from happening in the future! And if the bug has already been fixed in an update, I can’t update Pixlr yet since I still haven’t saved my wallpaper. I’ll have to try to figure out a way to do so, though!

Happy hedgehog costumer ،

needs a bug fix for retouching - please update

listen, I LOVE PIXLR, I’m the biggest Pixlr supporter, this has been the main app I use to edit my photos since I was literally in 6th grade (I’m a junior in college now). I refuse to use any other app. I mainly use this for retouching small things and brightening up or darkening certain areas of my photos. I haven’t found any other app that can retouch as well as this one for free. BUT, just recently the app has had a bug where my retouching looks perfect in-app, and then when I export and look at it in my camera roll the edits look totally botched and smudged, not at all the way it looked in-app. This is really frustrating and I can’t figure out what’s wrong with the export process. Please help!

استجابة المطور ،

Hi there, thank you for reaching out to Pixlr.
We believe it might be a bug with the mobile device and version
If you encounter an error or bug, kindly email to info@pixlr.com with the screenshot and your mobile details for us to investigate and advise further.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Barry V Go ،

One of a kind but needs to also do basic things

Honestly I love this app. But it’s my go to (second) app that I use to edit pics. it’s very hard to find a darken brush tool and a brighten brush tool on pic editing apps, so I love this app for that. But this app does lack a lot of features, if they add basic features like a liquify tool or tools that other good camera app have like line camera then I would only use this app. But regardless this is the app I use to polish my pics once I’m done editing pics on other apps so this app has a lot of features that most apps lack but this app lacks basic features. The only reason is an issue for me is that once u save a pic in a different app and open in it again in a differente editing app the pic ends up loosing a lot of the resolution. So if this app adds features, I would only use this app and gladly pay for it.

ɞʟıṅɢɢıяʟ224 ،

The Best of the Best

I would just like to say wow! I have a good 25 plus photo edit apps but this one is absolutely amazing. I have not used any of my other apps lately because this one does everything and it doesn't ask for a bunch of money. I have created some amazing pieces thanks to this app. I have 8 apps for double exposure and background changers. This app blends better than anything I have ever tried. So thank you guys for this app. It truly is the best of the best!

Update: still love the product but extremely disappointed that they would treat their loyal customers so awful. I paid a lot of money for each overlay, frame, ect. Now, I go in and try to access something I paid for and this subscription window pops up. Really? I loved this app because I could pay for each tool I wanted and not some monthly or yearly fee. It wouldn’t bother me if I hadn’t paid some much already. How bout you give me all my cash back and then I’ll pay that recurring fee? Nope? Didn’t think so.

nwcreative1 ،

I can not find anywhere to report a problem I am having with the app

This is my favorite photo editing app. So why the 1 star? I have searched everywhere I can think of and can not find a place to report a problem I am having with the function of the app. When I hit support it gives me the option to view other common problems, etc.
So I will post it here in hopes the developers will see it.
📱I use the mobile app on my iPhone 7+ it worked perfectly for years until about 2 weeks ago. When I create a photo collage and hit done it pops me out of the app and does not allow me to save the photo collage to my photos. I use this collage option constantly and post photos of products I sell online. The only work around is to screen shot the collage and then go in and crop it before saving to photos.
I recommend Pixlr to anyone who loves photo editing apps. Please fix the glitch, thank you.