ServiceTitan Mobile Ratings and Reviews

3.0 out of 5
1.2K Ratings

1.2K Ratings

J800k ,

Almost perfect

Been knowing about this application for several years now. Began to utilize it as soon as I got into plumbing. Everything works fine but there are some things that would make it better. For example, when I need a purchase order ( P.O ) I can’t save it without having to fill out ALL the blanks. I get it, it’s necessary but in the version I began with I did not need to do that. I like to enter them at the end of a project. Just makes it easier to use. Also it does tend to be slow at times. I would restart my iPad, uninstall and reinstall and the app would still not open. Making the app user friendly would increase the ratings. A saying a like to go buy it KSS ( Keep it Simple Stupid ). Making easy to use for any sort of business would make it the best. I would honestly reach out to all types of companies to see what they think about the app and improve based on feedback. Besides that, I have no other issues. Thank You Service Titan!

Stoker1992 ,

Mobile optimization issues.

While the office end of service titan probably deserves five stars. As a technician it’s impossible for me to rate it that high. The app auto focuses on many screens and text boxes when you type. For example the equipment page where you input models and serials. The problem comes on both iPhone and iPad when you zoom out to hit save some of the pages close without saving. I think that this has to do with ST thinking that you have selected the page behind the equipment page (no better way to word that)This happens on many more pages than just the equipment page.

Many other glitches like this one just add unnecessary time to a service call. Sometimes calls that I have been removed from will still show on my jobs page unless I download my price-book. If I lose WiFi connection while logging in then I get stuck on the log in page forever. Force closing the app or restarting your phone or iPad won’t fix this issue. You have to uninstall and reinstall the app.

If fixes for their many glitches came out as fast as their updates then I would change this review to five stars. But at the moment this is an app focusing too heavily on making office and marketing work easier, and not the technicians job.

Missing? ,

Very User-Friendly

I’m astounded by all these negative reviews. I’m an office manager in HVAC and I couldn’t imagine dispatching or accounting to be any simpler. We don’t integrate with Quickbooks so I don’t have a say on that, but the software is extremely user-friendly. Most issues in these other negative reviews can be solved within ServiceTitan yourself, it’s not that hard. Also, it’s very easy to get on the phone with someone for support. Every person you talk to will be super friendly and eager to help you, I promise.

The one thing that really irritates me is not being able to call my success team. You can only email your success team, which guarantees I will almost never reach out to them. This leads to me having to figure out things on my own, but I kind of like it. Also, as a small family-owned company, having every tech managed is really expensive. We had to pick and choose which technicians can earn revenue (at least that’s what ServiceTitan thinks) because it was too costly.

Thanks for everything you do ServiceTitan!

SoleSwiper405 ,

So far, not horrible. Room for improvement

I’ve enjoyed using the app over the last month in comparison to our companies last used application. It took a little while to get used to but now I’m as fast or faster than previously. The app interface is nice and clean and never feels to overwhelming. There are a few things that I would like to see addressed in the near future that will help push my rating to 5 stars however.

1. When a company has the ability to listen to call recordings please make it so there is at least a small interface to use while listening. As of right now there is just play/pause. If you think you might have misheard something, right now the only option is to listen to the entire call and then start all over again.

2. The app is not optimized for the newest iPad pros and does not fill the entire screen. On top of that I’ve been getting random black lines across the app that stay there until I restart the iPad all together. Rather annoying.

extreme sunday ,


Been using this new system for about 4months now. I haven’t used any other software for a paperless system was told it’ll be quicker on the job sights but this is good but it needs to be more user friendly. There’s no reason to have to input materials 3 times in separate boxes in order for our personnel to have it linked to the job. We don’t need to name a refrigerator after we’ve selected refrigerator. If we forget to input material techs can go back and input it. It won’t let you move along while inputting all the fields for the unit you are looking at why not have a “did you use any material” pop up before finalizing.
There’s a few other things but those are minor. Don’t know if anyone else is having this issue but with volume up all the way on Maps I don’t get voice turn by turn, I get pings to that tell me something.

michaelcampbell ,

So Slow and Hogs Battery

I’ve used this for just over a year and I honestly want to rate this 5 stars as it is well tailored management system, but a typical day using it means rebooting the app multiple times a day, and even reinstalling it multiple times a week. The software bogs down when you request virtually any data, and will spin for up to 5 min. Just to close out of a call, that can take up to 5 min. It will get the job done, but add 30-45, even up to 2 hours of spinning progress animations to your day if you have a lot of paperwork to do. It matters not if you’re on wifi or 5 bars LTE.

The last update now runs the battery down, something like 4 times faster. I now have to keep an external battery plugged into it all day just to keep it charged, as it’s draining almost as fast as it’s charging.

There’s several other issues, and hacks you have to do to get around them, and this is slowly but surely getting worse with every update. With every new release they bring new features, but also break or make worse others. The problem is, they just leave everything broken.

Supertech444 ,

I do not recommend this software to anyone.

Having used several CSM programs. This one is over priced and over promised on capability/features. Look if all of your employees have the IQ of Cavemen and Neanderthals this might be for you. The software is slow, the company makes all these promises to sell you on a long contract, then won’t actually stand behind there program once you sign up. I have literally ran out of passwords to replace mine with because it always wants me to replace it. You can not switch between IPad and Phone without logging in and out from one to the other. It wants to constantly track to device all the time. No way to turn this off that I can find. I am actively recommending people do not use it to any one that talks about it in the industry. They try to make all the trades from Lawn Care service company’s all the way to HVAC in the same box. It is most definitely not for Commercial company’s. This software has actually made me want to quite my job it is so annoying.

DebB_AK ,

Contact your Implementation Specialist or Success Team!

I am reading some of the more negative reviews and noticing a pattern. There needs to be an office staff member responsible for implementing and updating Service Titan for your shop. All techs need dedicated training on Mobile 2.0 AND the Pricebook needs regular attention to ensure materials linkages to tasks are accurate-on the fly materials additions should be rare. Also, syncing often depends on the device and internet connection. If you are experiencing crashes, perhaps your device needs to be “cleaned” or replaced.
With estimates in Mobile 2.0, building out estimate templates can be very helpful.
But you must reach out to your success team! They have been exceedingly helpful to our shop.
All that said, Service Titan could stand a few interface updates to simplify access to commonly used elements.

dawhipple ,


I see mostly a few techs complaining while everyone else loves it. It was built more for the customers so the tech can put together options with prices right at your finger tips. Save photos for the customers and your company. This app is a game changer and I work with the guys who created it. When you get it down it’s literally a game changer. They do take your feed back and are constantly making things better. This has literally taken drowning companies and turned them around. Some companies hire Brandon to come to their companies for 3 days and do a few courses and it literally has a 100% success rate when done right.

HVAC tech69 ,

App not optimized for mobile

The company I work for has struggled to find an effective app that suits both technicians in the field as well as office personnel. While this app does provide a decent medium for technician and office to enter job details, it is plagued by poor mobile development. Just about every day I struggle with losing a well thought out description of work performed as the app loves to just close the current sheet you attempt to fill out. Resizing on mobile is a cancer and often soft locks to the point you must close the app and reopen to fix. Currently they are having an issue with data sync where it gets stuck in an endless loop and never syncs. It is so bad that 4 of our employees regularly have this issue with no resolution. Unless they take steps soon to solve the many issues for mobile I would not recommend for the pure frustration this system offers daily.